The SPW Finances recognizes an error in sending tax mail

2023-05-05 05:30:00

The Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) recognizes an error in the sending of letters of taxation of eco-malus of 600 euros for the most polluting vehicles to many Walloon taxpayers, report L’Avenir and Sudinfo on Friday which evoke more than 8,000 people concerned.

“The SPW Finances recently sent malus taxation letters (at the default value) for the absence of CO 2 data provided by the DIV (Department for the registration of vehicles of the SPF Mobility and Transport). In some cases, the default taxation was sent to taxpayers by mistake. The erroneous partial sending has its origin in a computer bug which has now been corrected”, confirms Marie Michotte, spokesperson for the SPW.

“Nevertheless, this concerns a minority of people”, tempers the administration which presents its “sincere apologies for these inconveniences”.

Although no official figure has been revealed by the SPW, not even an order of magnitude, the daily newspapers mention 8,400 to 8,500 people who would be affected by this error by the Public Service of Wallonia.

“The majority of people who received this letter must pay the tax or provide SPW Finances with the CO2 rate indicated in their on-board documents”, further specifies the Walloon administration. “In this case, the SPW Finances will process the claim with a view to granting a possible relief on the basis of the documents provided. The few people affected by the shipping error will very soon receive a letter announcing the relief of this tax.”

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