2023-05-05 03:51:55
The roaming rates charged by our dear operators are probably still too high. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to prepaid plans from third parties such as Ubigi in the hands of the Japanese NTT. And what does it tell us? Promotions or new rates given ranging from 7% to 26% worldwide, in countries where inflation is much higher than in Switzerland!
The tariffs reproduced below are most instructive when we know, for example, that inflation in Italy reached almost 9% in 2022 and should reach around 5% this year. Nothing to do with the Swiss figures, around 2.8% last year, for example. By how much would Sunrise UPC have increased its prices in Italy? 13%? 15%? Better not to know.
Inflation? Not really, no…
Surprising all the same to see that Ubigi offers plans with 5G a promotion or a price reduction of 7%. This virtual operator should be on the verge of bankruptcy if it were run like Sunrise UPC. Obviously, the optimization of processes and technologies makes it easy to recover such inflation values! CQFD, right?
As Ubigi’s tariffs show, part of the solution may lie in taking very cheap national subscriptions, like Salt’s GoMo and supplementing them for roaming with eSIMs from operators like GoMoWorld (Xavier’s group Niel, owner of Salt) or Ubigi, or even using local maps.
Challenge the hikes, fight back and terminate!
In any case, Sunrise UPC rate increases should be challenged as much as possible by calling them and using an extraordinary right of termination. Do not hesitate to refer to the documents of the Fédération romande des consommateurs (FRC) or to your legal protection. And obviously, choose a more advantageous solution on the market.
Swiss consumers remain too loyal. We must not let this (or these) increase(s) pass without flinching. In this case, it is imperative to maximize competition and fully assert your rights. It’s been far too long that some operators have taken pride in transparently fleecing their client to pay handsomely for Federers or useless gimmicks.
Xavier Studer
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