A possible trajectory for Construire 4.0: Complete file

2023-04-18 22:00:00

It is quite remarkable to observe that this vigorously unfolding subject brings up to date the nagging question of the industrialization of a profession in search of transformation. However, it should also be noted that this new requirement is mainly called for by many observers, but especially outside the sector. And this split between professionals and so-called civil society must be taken into account.

Indeed, the subject is very sensitive because it seems unavoidable, but it brings up to date severe controversies that took place several decades ago. At the time, already, many attempts, this time internal around prefabrication, ended in bitter failures for their initiators. They have all been described as “crane path” approaches and associated with the ghettoization of many territories.

However, this development does not hide a paradox that seems natural to many people. The current construction is irremediably associated with a lack of quality, with its definitively vernacular character and for some with a lack of qualification. However, this does not prevent us from celebrating the obvious progress highlighted during the construction of high-rise buildings emblematic of the metropolitan development. This ambiguity cannot be ignored.

The contradiction it reveals needs to be tackled in order to consider new ways of a response that is not in vain.

The first idea is faced with the recurrence of the problem of asking whether the current state does not in fact reflect a particular form of industrialization of a product so specific that it escapes the canons of rules practiced successfully in industry. It would then be a question of a necessary evil inherent in the very nature of the “built” which very closely associates technique and experience, human sciences and engineering sciences.

The second reflection relates to the digitization that crosses and transforms all professions. From this angle, wouldn’t there be a way to approach the situation in a new way? Wouldn’t data be a renewed way of envisaging a coupling between the multiplicity of dimensions raised by the construction and the efficiency of the means of processing information? This perspective is not without interest because it offers the possibility of combining many contradictory aspects.

Nevertheless, for a lasting implementation it is still necessary to reflect on how to initiate a gradual transition, but without a possible return to current routines. This transition from a state described as “business as usual” to a more responsible future stable state must be organized in a reasoned way to establish a collective and assumed progress. And this roadmap first supposes to be shared by all.

To initiate such an approach, it appears necessary to have a proven method accepted by all.

Constructibility can most certainly be mobilized because it is above all a method of reading a situation. It allows a shift in perspective that can be appropriated by all stakeholders in the value chain. The objective is not to replace each of them, but rather to mobilize them to co-develop a shared vision of a possible path towards proactive change.

The prism used is relatively simple since it consists of combining three points of view. The question asked concerns:

  • a technical object that is not neutral in its interactions with its users;

  • technical and organizational processes essential for proper implementation;

  • procedures that create an environment guaranteeing that the process of progress is not in vain.

And it is from the interdependence of these three aspects that a plausible proposition can emerge.

However, this exercise should not be seen as an end. It makes it possible to designate a shared objective of a systemic nature. By this term, it should be understood that a state of progress is accessible, but that the path to achieve it needs to be clarified step by step, taking into account the new data that will appear along the way. It is therefore a question of defining a trajectory which must be continually adjusted.

#trajectory #Construire #Complete #file



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