2023-04-28 04:41:42
Thanks to Farm and Food Workers Grant Program (FFWR) from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), certain workers may receive a pay of $600 dollars.
USDA awarded approximately $667 million in grants to 14 non-profit organizations and one tribal entity. This is through funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. The purpose of this program is to defray worker expenses incurred in preparing for, preventing exposure to, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
$600 check for workers: who will receive it and how to request it
The $600 relief is awarded in different states through 14 different non-profit organizations. Organizations have already started receiving applications. Although there is no specific deadline, as it depends on each organization, the process will continue in some states until 2024.
Who is eligible?
are eligible frontline workers in agricultural activities, meatpacking and grocery store workers during the period extending from the January 27, 2020 to April 11, 2023date of the end of the declaration of emergency by coronavirus in the United States.
Nearly 50 meatpacking plant workers & farmworkers met tonight at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Columbus Junction, Iowa to discuss a new Farm & Food Worker Relief program & learn how they can pre-register themselves & their co-workers for a $600 pandemic payment #FUR #CCUSA pic.twitter.com/LfJ2CfHriW
— David Goodner (@davidgoodner) October 11, 2022
Requirements to apply
Workers must provide Sufficient proof of employment in a food processing facility, meat packing facility, or farm. Workers must also submit a proof of identity enough when applying for funds and proof that they worked during the COVID-19 pandemic. When approved, eligible workers will receive their $600 payment.
It may interest you: These are the states that are still sending stimulus checks: payments of up to $1,500
How to request the payment of $600?
Payment must be requested through the non-profit organization that applies to your state:
We share the directory with each of these organizations, as well as the web portal to be able to apply for relief from the Food and Agricultural Workers Grant Program (FFWR).
For more information, visit the del FFWR web portal.
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