Nursing technician denies having vaccinated Bolsonaro: “I don’t understand anything”

2023-05-04 02:00:55

Woman who appears in the system as Bolsonaro’s ‘vaccinator’ says she did not immunize the former president and reinforces crimes committed by him: “I don’t know all that. I’ve been working at City Hall for a few years and I don’t understand anything”

Jair Messiah Bolsonaro

Breno Pires, Piauí

Nursing technician Silvana de Oliveira Pereira, 36 years old, had a normal day at work that Friday, October 14, 2022, at the Pilar Pre-Hospital Unit, in Duque de Caxias-RJ, in Baixada Fluminense. She worked in the emergency room at the hospital, a 12-hour day, and no longer in the immunization sector. Her name, however, was involved in the criminal scheme that supposedly would have benefited the former president. Jair Bolsonaro and daughter Laura Bolsonaro with the issuance of a Covid vaccination certificate – and that would be, according to the investigation of the Federal Police, part of a plan to facilitate the entrance of them and other assistants of the ex-president in the United States.

According to data obtained by researchers from the National Health Data Network System (RNDS), Silvana would have given Jair Bolsonaro a vaccine from the manufacturer Pfizer, batch FP7082, at the Municipal Health Center of Duque de Caxias, on October 14 of the year. past. The registration, however, is false, according to the PF. A piauíthe nursing technician confirmed that she never gave the former president a vaccine.

“I don’t know all that”, said Silvana de Oliveira Pereira to piauí. The nursing technician said that she did not even apply vaccines on that date. The period in which she worked on the Covid vaccination, according to her, was only in the year 2021, when she was crowded in a Ready Service Unit (UPA). “I’ve been working at City Hall for a few years and I don’t understand anything,” she said, regretting having her name involved in the scandal. The nursing technician also stated that she did not know the two people appointed by the PF as operators of the information system that would have included and excluded false vaccination data in Duque de Caxias.

Get inside: Bolsonaro cries in an interview with Jovem Pan: “They found my wife’s card and took a picture”

In addition to her, another person who appears in the National Health Data Network System as having applied the vaccine to Jair Bolsonaro is Diego da Silva Pires, 36, also a resident of Duque de Caxias. According to the data entered into the system, Diego Pires would have given the then president a dose of the Pfizer-Cominarty vaccine, batch PCA0084, on August 13, 2022, also at the Municipal Health Center of Duque de Caxias. A piauí contacted him. By WhatsApp message, Pires only said: “I am not a doctor”. Pires also questioned how the report got his number and then blocked contact.

In the opinion forwarded to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the Attorney General’s Office asked for the taking of depositions by Silvana de Oliveira Pereira and Diego da Silva Pires during the investigation. Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF, determined that the PF hear the two within a period of five days. This was one of the measures he determined in Operation Venire, launched this Wednesday, May 3.

The minister determined the arrest of lieutenant colonel Mauro Cesar Barbosa Cid, assistant to Jair Bolsonaro in the Presidency, and five other people. Operation Venire also included the unprecedented search and seizure at Jair Bolsonaro’s residential address, in a condominium in Brasília.

A kind of right-hand man of the former president, Cid is the one who, according to the PF, would have initiated a series of actions that resulted in the entry of fraudulent data into the SUS system and the issuance of false vaccination certificates for Bolsonaro; for his daughter, Laura Bolsonaro; his aide-de-camp on the Planalto, Colonel Mauro Cid; of Cid’s wife and daughters; and a Bolsonarist deputy, Gutemberg Reis (MDB-RJ). With that, some assistants of Jair Bolsonaro in the presidency “were able to issue the respective vaccination certificates and use them to circumvent the current health restrictions imposed by the Public Authorities (Brazil and the United States) aimed at preventing the spread of contagious disease, in this case, the covid-19 pandemic”, wrote the Federal Police delegate responsible for the case.

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The PF pointed out that two aides to the former president, Max Guilherme Machado de Moura and Sérgio Rocha Cordeiro, who would have to accompany Bolsonaro on his stay in the United States, needed to obtain a certificate of vaccination once morest Covid. Likewise, Mauro Cesar Cid and his wife, Gabriela Santiago Cid, needed a vaccination certificate to meet the requirement to enter American territory.

According to the investigation, the criminal plot began with Mauro Cesar Cid in search of a vaccination certificate for his wife. He asked Luis Marcos dos Reis, also an assistant to the Presidency of the Republic, for help. Reis contacted a medical nephew, Farley Vinicius Alcântara, who issued a vaccination card from the Health Department of the State of Goiás, filled with two doses of the vaccine once morest Covid in the name of Gabriela Santiago Cid, with the dates of 08/17/2021 and 11/09/2021.

After that, the investigation shows, there was a change of DDD. The new issues of vaccination records were made in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, in Rio de Janeiro, with the direct participation of the municipal secretary of government of the municipality, João Carlos de Sousa Brecha. Other servants in the municipality would have participated in either the inclusion or exclusion of Bolsonaro’s vaccination information in the National Immunization Program Information System (SI-PNI), which was also defrauded. Yes, inclusion and exclusion: a few days following issuing the vaccination records and issuing the vaccination certificate, the names were erased from the system, as if they had never been vaccinated.

Investigators have no doubt that Bolsonaro was “fully aware” of the fraud. “The information collected demonstrated logical and temporal coherence from the insertion of false data into the SI-PNI system until the generation of vaccination certificates once morest Covid-19, indicating that JAIR BOLSONARO, MAURO CESAR CID and, possibly, MARCELO COSTA CAMARA had fully aware of the fraudulent insertion of vaccination data, remaining inert in relation to such facts until the present moment”, says the PF report. To reach this conclusion, they list the fact that “access to the ConectaSUS application and the consequent issuance of a vaccination certificate once morest Covid-19 on December 22 and 27, 2022, by the user of former President of the Republic JAIR BOLSONARO were held at the Planalto Palace”.

Minister Alexandre de Moraes agreed with this observation. “The investigative line on the possibility of the former President of the Republic, in a veiled way and through the insertion of false data in the SUS systems, is plausible, logical and robust, to seek for himself and for third parties any advantages arising from effective immunization, especially considered the fact of not being re-elected in the 2022 general elections,” wrote the Supreme Minister. He also highlighted the notorious public position of Jair Messias Bolsonaro once morest vaccination, the subject of the Pandemic CPI and investigations at the STF.

The crimes that the Federal Police will investigate are: infraction of preventive health measure, criminal association, insertion of false data in information systems and corruption of minors. Only the insertion of false data in the federal information system carries a penalty of two to twelve years in prison plus a fine, exactly the same as the crime of corruption. Operation Venire led to the preventive detention of Mauro Cesar Barbosa Cid, Max Guilherme Machado de Moura, Sergio Rocha Cordeiro, Ailton Gonçalves Moraes de Barros, Luis Marcos dos Reis and João Carlos de Sousa Brecha. The report has not yet been able to contact them.

After the execution of the search and seizure warrant at his home, Bolsonaro said, in a press conference, that he did not take vaccines once morest Covid and did not defraud vaccination data. But research contradicts it. According to the PF, one of the vaccination certificates once morest Covid was issued by the user of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the ConectaSUS application, exactly one day following entering data into the system.

The seizure of Bolsonaro’s cell phone by the PF brought an additional element of expectation regarding the development of the investigations once morest the former president. Bolsonaro is investigated in a series of inquiries and, if new elements emerge, nothing prevents evidence obtained this Wednesday from serving to feed other investigations. Operation Venire itself took place within the scope of the so-called Digital Militias inquiry. This investigation targets an alleged criminal organization focused on attacking members of public institutions such as the Federal Supreme Court, discrediting the Brazilian electoral process and reinforcing the polarization discourse, in addition to stimulating animosity between the Armed Forces and the Powers of the Republic, in addition to other crimes.

The PF has already warned that it is important to share the evidence from this investigation with the other that investigates the facts related to January 8th. “Whether on social media, whether inserting false vaccination data once morest Covid-19, or planning a coup d’état, the element that unites its members is always present, that is, action to protect and guarantee the permanence in power of people who represent the professed ideology”, says the PF report that supported Operation Venire.

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