“Deficient in Taiwan: The Ultimate Guide to Supplementing Vitamin D – What You Need to Know”

2023-05-02 01:00:00

Why is vitamin D the most deficient nutrient in Taiwan? How to supplement vitamin D?The correct way to eat and drink + bask in the sunhttps://ihealth.bwnet.com.tw/CT_Column/2022/04/7918d5b6-1d01-e5c2-59c2-70323d0d356f.jpghttps://ihealth.bwnet.com.tw/CT_Column/2022/04/7918d5b6-1d01-e5c2-59c2-70323d0d356f.jpg

Vitamin D (Vitamin D) is a hormone with complex physiological effects, there are two different forms of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Sun exposure allows the body to synthesize vitamin D3 naturally, and food provides D2 and D3. However, according to the latest National Nutrition and Health Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, vitamin D and vitamin E are the most deficient nutrients in the diet of Taiwanese, and vitamin D is also the most prevalent nutrient deficiency in the blood. Except for men aged 1 to 6, men aged 19 to 44, and women aged 2 months to 6, men and women of other age groups did not reach the recommended intake.

In recent years, vitamin D has received more and more attention. In addition to its key impact on bone health, its relationship with the risk of arteriosclerosis, diabetes and heart disease is also often discussed. Many studies have found that vitamin D plays a role in metabolic diseases, cancer or immunity. Possible benefit in systemic diseases.

What Are the Benefits of Vitamin D?

1. Maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, and maintain the normal physiological functions of nerves and muscles
2. Promote the absorption of calcium in the small intestine and help the healthy development of bones and teeth
3. Protect the kidneys and heart vessels
4. Immunomodulation
5. Reduce inflammation and prevent cancer

Therefore, vitamin D deficiency is prone to the following symptoms:

1. Osteoporosis
2. Decreased immunity
3. Depression, depression and anxiety
4. Frequent hair loss
5. Wound healing ability becomes lower
6. The skin is often dry and erythema
7. Hormone imbalance
8. Metabolic abnormalities
9. Autoimmune diseases
10. Dementia
11. Chronic Fatigue
12. Migraines

Further reading:Frequent body aches and pains are actually chronic inflammation of the body!Chang Gung famous doctor Jiang Kunjun: Vitamin D fights inflammation and extinguishes fire in the body

Aging will reduce the amount of vitamin D synthesized in the skin. In addition, many elders will stay at home for a long time, and their dietary intake is not balanced enough. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people with low activity levels should pay special attention to vitamin D deficiency. In addition, people who usually stay indoors and rarely bask in the sun, eat less fish and mushrooms, and people with darker skin are also groups that are prone to vitamin D deficiency.

How much vitamin D is enough?

According to the Chinese dietary nutrient reference intake and its description, the intake of different age groups is as follows:

0 to 1 year old: 10 micrograms (400 IU) to 25 micrograms (1000 IU)
1 to 50 years old, pregnant women, breastfeeding women: 10 micrograms (400 IU) to 50 micrograms (2000 IU)
Over 51 years old: 15 micrograms (600 IU) to 50 micrograms (2000 IU)

How to supplement vitamin D?These types of food are useful

There are not many types of natural foods containing vitamin D, sorted by the vitamin D content per 100 grams, including:
1. Black fungus
2. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines
3. Dried shiitake mushrooms
4. Tilapia
5. Duck
6. Oysters
7. Egg yolk
8. Mushrooms

Whole grains and algae also contain a small amount of vitamin D, but basically as long as you eat the above-mentioned fish and mushrooms every day, you can get enough vitamin D.

When is the best time to bask in the sun? How long does it take to be effective?

In addition to diet, sun exposure is also the main source of vitamin D. You can avoid the period when the ultraviolet rays are too strong. Let your face and arms be exposed to the sun for 5-30 minutes at 9 to 10 am and 3 to 4 pm. Pay attention It’s because UVB can’t penetrate ordinary glass, so it’s useless to sunbathe by the window, you still have to go outside and don’t sunscreen.

Generally speaking, food supplements containing vitamin D are recommended only when vitamin D deficiency has been detected and the deficiency cannot be alleviated by changing the diet, nor can the synthesis of vitamin D in the body be activated by sun exposure. Modern people have fewer opportunities to bask in the sun. They may be worried regarding bone health and supplement vitamin D. However, blind intake has health risks. It is best to test the vitamin D concentration through blood tests first. If it is indeed not up to the standard, then supplement. After all, it is not that adding a lot of calcium and vitamin D will prevent osteoporosis. The body needs considerable sun exposure to activate vitamin D to help calcium absorption, and proper muscle training to maintain bone density, no? Just eat a bunch of health products.

Physician Jiang Kunjun mentioned that most people need to supplement “inactive” vitamin D. Supplementing “active” vitamin D may easily cause hypercalcemia (the unit marked on the bottle is IU, which is inactive vitamin D). Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, it is recommended to supplement following meals (meals must contain fat, but do not deliberately match high-fat foods), and it can be taken following a certain meal, so it is not easy to forget to form a habit.

The Food and Drug Administration pointed out that many parents hope that their children’s vitamin D supplementation will help bone development, but long-term excessive intake may cause vitamin D poisoning, hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, or lead to depression, headache, dizziness, Symptoms such as fatigue, anorexia, nausea, muscle weakness, constipation, abnormal thirst, diarrhea, frequent urination, weight loss, and joint pain, and even irregular heartbeat and vascular calcification can lead to kidney stones, kidney calcification, or loss of kidney function in the long run.

Further reading:Cancer is actually an inflammatory disease!Chang Gung Famous Doctor Jiang Kunjun: Eat this to prevent 16 types of cancer and reduce cancer risk by 60%


“Good Daily D[Practice Edition]”
Vitamin D and Cancer-Taiwan Cancer Clinical Research and Development Foundation
Vitamin D: High-Dose Food Supplement Intake Is Not Required – National Center for Environmental Toxicology
Are you taking the right food supplements? ‐The Example of Vitamin D and Folic Acid – National Center for Environmental Toxicology
Kaohsiung Veterans Medical News March 2021 Nutrition column: How to supplement vitamin D?
National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare – 2013-2016 Results Report of the Survey on National Nutrition and Health Status Changes
Sports nutritionist Yang Chenghua
Talking regarding Vitamin D Deficiency and Insufficiency

Editor in charge: Hong Wantian
Draft editor: Lu Yuzhen

Further reading:

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