JxC delimits itself from dollarization but there is no common economic program

2023-05-03 16:25:23

We have the first glimpses of what was the national meeting of the table of Together for Changeas reported by Claudio Mardones for Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV and Radio Perfil (FM 101.9).

The meeting was scheduled to make some economic definitions facing the campaign 2023. The meeting was attended by the entire driving of Together for Changeas well as the main economists of the opposition coalition.

In the communiqué approved by the national table, there is a clear delimitation of the dollarization proposed by Javier Miley and they anticipated that they will try to synthesize a program that seeks “fiscal balance, a responsible monetary and financial policy, and policies that safeguard Argentine families.”

The truth is that the measures they would take in the event that they win the elections. Until now it has not been very clear how they are going to complete the commitment to agree on a common economic program.

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The statement makes it explicit that within the coalition there are debates and nuances, which is why each candidate is expected to present their positions in the campaign.

Another matter that remains in the pipeline is what will happen with the incorporation of the far-right deputy José Luis Espert. Almost all the partners expressed themselves in favor of including him, although it has not been made clear if he is going to enter as a presidential candidate or if he will play for the Province of Buenos Aires.

It was expected that after this meeting, the PRO would do the same, to discuss their economic definitions. In some corners of the Buenos Aires government and in the offices of Macri Olivos, new differences began to emerge.

Espert had made a tweet, which he later had to delete, in which he shared a note from the Clarín newspaper on the podium of politicians and officials with the most complaints. In the note, Julio de Vido, Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri top this ranking. The tweet generated discomfort in sectors of the PRO and forced Espert to download the publication.

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Macristas with a black palate are wary of what Espert can do in the campaign, how much it differs from Macri and what it can say in the media. There are suspicions that Larreta would be the main person interested in promoting Espert, with the aim of subtract votes in the internal Patricia Bullrich.

The PRO continues to shine due to the absence of definitions about how Espert would be incorporated, what role it would play, in the way of the challenge they have to stop the far-right vote leak that benefits Javier Mileybut generating enormous internal mistrust.


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