“Powerful Benefits of Papaya and Pineapple: A Guide to a Healthy Modern Life”

2023-05-02 16:48:37

modern life

Papaya and pineapple are fruits that, in addition to containing water and fiber, have several nutrients that support the health of the whole organism.


As mentioned in other articles, pineapple is a low-calorie fruit that helps reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, it is an antioxidant, improves the digestive process and combats nausea; It has even been shown that its use has a positive effect once morest obesity and weight loss.

It is also characterized by its powerful purifying and diuretic action that, in addition to facilitating the elimination of liquids, controls the inflammatory processes of the organism.

For this reason, it might be effective for cellulite, since it is an inflammatory process, according to the newspaper The confidential, in your health section.

In addition, another study carried out by the University of Taif (Saudi Arabia) indicates that Pineapple is a tropical fruit, whose water content and antioxidants make it one of the best alternatives to reduce volume.

But what would happen if mixed with papaya? This helps to combat constipation and It is good for eliminating parasites in the intestine thanks to a substance called carpain. In addition, it contains high levels of vitamin C, which contributes to the increase of defenses.

However, papaya and pineapple are fruits that, in addition to containing water and fiber, have several nutrients that support the health of the whole organism and favor the aforementioned processes, according to the portal Better with Health.

Ways to consume them in the cleansing diet

  • Serves as a snack: they are cut into pieces that must be inserted into a toothpick and that’s it. They can be eaten as a snack or following a main meal.
  • Give a different touch to salads. Add small pieces to vegetable and green combinations, and dress with a vinaigrette.

In addition to introducing three servings of papaya and pineapple, during the days of the cleansing diet, you must opt ​​for light and digestive dishes. For this reason, It is recommended to add broths, vegetable creams, salads, lean meat and white fish, seeds and whole grains.

  • 1 small pineapple
  • 1 slice of papaya.
  • 5 tablespoons of stevia (50 g).
  • Peel and chop the papaya slice.
  • Then peel and chop the pineapple.
  • Then, take everything to the blender and add 5 tablespoons of Stevia.
  • Beat it all
  • When it is well incorporated, serve the drink without straining and drink it immediately to make the most of all its properties.
  • It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, since in this way the body better assimilates its properties. In addition, because it is a juice rich in water, antioxidants, fiber and other important nutrients, it can serve as a support for those who want to lose weight.

This juice is also beneficial because:

  • It has a slight laxative action that prevents constipation.
  • Combat fluid retention due to its diuretic action.
  • Due to its fiber content, it provides the body with a feeling of satiety to prevent excessive calorie intake.

Pineapple Chia Smoothie

It can be incorporated into breakfast, although its consumption must be supported by other healthy foods such as whole grains, vegetables and eggs.

  • 2 pineapple slices.
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (20 g).
  • The juice of 2 oranges.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).
  • Honey (optional).
  • Peel the pineapple, cut two large slices and cut into small cubes.
  • Extract the juice of the two oranges and pour it into the blender with the pineapple chunks, honey and water.
  • Process everything for a few moments, until you get a homogeneous drink.
  • Serve it without straining and use the chia seeds to decorate.
  • Optional: Chia seeds can be soaked (minimum two hours) and added to the blender with the other ingredients.
  • Consume it on an empty stomach, as part of breakfast or in moments of uncontrollable hunger.

Pineapple and kiwi serve to prepare an excellent diet shake, since both ingredients are ideal for burning calories. In addition, this natural juice regulates appetite, generating satiety while reducing measures, according to the magacin Sports world, in their health and wellness section.

  • 1/2 cup of pineapple cut into squares.
  • 1 kiwi.
  • 150 ml of coconut milk.
  • Peel a pineapple and cut into squares.
  • Do the same with a kiwi.
  • Pour in the pineapple and kiwi chunks and add the 150 ml of coconut milk.
  • Blend for 20 seconds until well blended.
  • Finally, drink and enjoy.

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