2023-05-02 19:19:58
He also deplores 406 injured among the police and accuses the leader of France Insoumise (LFI), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, of being “accomplice” of this violence by his “deafening silence”.
Among the individuals arrested, 305 were arrested in the heart of the Parisian capital, the scene of a new day of violence, fires and damage.
The Beauvau tenant also wishes to open “a reflection on radical individuals, on thugs” and evokes a possible “new law” at “national level”, while pleading for a study “at European level” because “these groups travel a lot in Europe”.
Police and gendarmes used tear gas and de-encirclement grenades to drive away the violent demonstrators, before resorting to a water cannon.
The CGT (General Confederation of Labour) officially claims 2.3 million demonstrators across the country and the Ministry of the Interior for its part reports 782,000 demonstrators.
#people #arrested #police #gendarmes #injured