Families claim for lack of gas in a school in Fernández Oro

2023-05-02 19:22:49

Self-convened mothers and fathers spread the claim for the lack of gas at the ESRN 158 school in Fernández Oro. They explained that almost a month ago they had a meeting to solve the problem but there was still no news. They assure that there is a risk that classes will be suspended.

As they explained, the students attend the establishment that since the school year began, does not have gas service.

“We are worried and angry because to date our children are attending school without the gas connection“, they commented.

They detailed that they held a meeting last month with the school coordinator of the area, in which “he promised to manage the process to do the trenching and for Camuzzi to come, but it has not been done«, they explained. The meeting was held on April 12, they confirmed.

They expressed their concern regarding the possibility of classes being suspended due to lack of service. “Given the conditions that students and teachers have to attend there is a risk that classes will be suspended“, they lamented.


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