2023-05-02 16:15:01
“PSD, PNL and AUR have decided that plagiarism is material error, not theft,” reports USR.
According to the amendment voted on Tuesday in the Education Commission, “differences in theoretical, experimental or practical conception, material citation errors, differences in data interpretation, as well as differences of opinion do not constitute deviations from the norms of ethics”.
USR Senator Ștefan Pălărie states that “the ruling parties have another priority: to get rid of their fellow plagiarists from the tins tied to the queue”.
“With the newly adopted amendment, Mr. Ciucă, Mr. Bode and other eminences will invoke the fact that they have up to 90% of their works only some
(source: Mediafax)
Gabriel Pecheanu, [email protected]
#PSD #PNL #AUR #decided #plagiarism #material #error #theft