BH Bank | Despite challenging times: Financial strength and resilience

2023-05-02 10:20:35

BH Bank continued with resolution and determination to develop its activities and finalize the main phases of the structuring projects for its restructuring, in particular projects related to the upgrading of human capital, the development of skills, the implementation of the Strategy digital and the revitalization of the network.

During the opening of the Ordinary General Meeting (AGO) of BH Bank, Mohamed Mehdi Mejdoub, President of the AGO, specified that despite a difficult national and international situation aggravated by the impacts of the pandemic of Covid-19 followed by the war in Ukraine and the general tightening of monetary policies having significantly affected global demand, BH Bank continued with resolution and determination to develop its activities and finalize the main phases of the structuring projects for its restructuring, in particular projects related to the upgrading of human capital, the development of skills, the implementation of the Digital Strategy and the revitalization of the network.

Readjusted operational device

He added that despite the economic circumstances, the main subsidiaries of the BH Bank Group (BH Insurance, BH Leasing, BH Equity, etc.) contributed significantly to the achievement of a consolidated net result of 125.148 million dinars. At the end of his speech, Mejdoub stressed that he is confident of the support of the shareholders, the determination of the general management and the support and dedication of all the staff of the Bank to take up new challenges and consolidate the performance. carried out by the BH Group.

Speaking, Wajdi Koubaâ, General Manager of BH Bank, said that faced with exceptional circumstances in more than one respect, the Bank has shown resilience and an ability to effectively readjust its operational system. to manage all the unprecedented constraints to which it was exposed by an unprecedented economic crisis.

He mentioned that with regard to the Bank’s activity, the 2022 financial year ended with an increase in customer resources of 9.9% (i.e. 767.5 MD) to reach a total outstanding amount of 8,549 .7 MD. This development is mainly due to sight deposits totaling an outstanding amount of 2,733.6 MD at the end of 2022, following an additional flow of 38.1 MD as well as savings deposits which increased by 11.4% (i.e. 323.9 MD) to reach 3,162.8 MD once morest 2,838.9 MD at the end of 2021. As for term deposits, they increased by 373.3 MD, an increase of 18%.

Progressing results

He added that for the year 2022, the Bank continued its contribution to financing the economy with an additional flow of 919.1 MD, thus bringing the total gross outstanding amount to 12,281.1 MD. i.e. an increase of 8.1% compared to the 2021 financial year.

In terms of income, Koubaâ specified that all of the Bank’s activities resulted in a Net Banking Income of 622.9 MD, an increase of 9.4% (53.4 MD) compared to the end of 2021. .

He also informed that thanks to the evolution of the NBI, the RBE increased by 27.2 MD or 7.4% to reach 397.5 MD. As a result, and following the surge in the cost of risk linked in part to new regulatory constraints imposed by the BCT, the Bank closed the year 2022 with a Net Result of 118.7 MD once morest 134.7 MD at end of 2021.

Koubaâ indicated that the bank continued its commercial development in 2022 by relying on the commitment of its staff to ensure the quality of service and efficiency to deserve the satisfaction of its customers. In addition, BH Bank continued in its digitalization journey by providing efficient solutions to its customers in terms of digital products, thus offering the tools to optimize and strengthen the bank-customer relationship. With regard to the product offering, the bank continued to expand its range of products and services by trying to ensure and continually improve the quality of its services to its customers.

By way of illustration, the bank’s strategy and its achievements over the past year were essentially centered around the reinforcement of the prospecting action for the “Retail and Corporate” activity, the collection of savings with the objective of attracting stable and inexpensive resources, enriching the offer, in particular through digital products and services and promoting the high-end segment.

Engagement au service of the public cause

Koubaâ also underlined that the BH Bank reaffirmed during the year 2022 its commitment to the service of the public cause and testified to the voluntary integration of social concerns in its vision for the promotion of the common good. “After its distinction during the health crisis, BH Bank continued its support for public establishments, in particular health establishments under the supervision of the Ministry of Health via their equipment in medical equipment for the detection of breast cancer diseases. In the same vein, BH Bank continued its charitable actions, including those finalized via the governorate of Tunis and targeting poor families.

In addition, Koubaâ added that BH Bank has consolidated its commitment to women in all areas in 2022, by investing in their financial inclusion so that they can contribute more effectively to the growth of the country’s economy. . BH Bank is thus positioning itself in the women’s segment supported by the “Banking On Women” project in collaboration with donors, mainly the World Bank (IFC). In addition, BH Bank continued to encourage women’s sport, following the example of the women’s football team of the BH Bank Sports Association, crowned Tunisian champions for the past sports season.

In terms of sustainable development (CSR), the general manager of BH Bank indicated that his financial establishment has launched internal awareness-raising actions in order to reduce electricity consumption, optimize the use of paper, ink and preserve the environment both inside and outside the Bank’s premises. Furthermore, and in collaboration with AFD, the Bank is committed to promoting Sustainable Development within the framework of all its investment and financing activities. Also, BH Bank is in a process of “Committed Responsible Purchasing” by inserting specific requirements relating to CSR values.

Closing his speech, Koubaâ undertook to hoist the BH Bank towards a rank of reference “combining the best of the human with the most efficient of the technology”. It will ensure that it is a local bank for its customers offering the best quality of services with innovative products allowing access to remote banking services at all times.

NBI growth of +7.1%

He specified that the Bank’s results achieved during the first quarter of 2023 look very encouraging with a change in NBI of +7.1% over a rolling year. Similarly, BH Bank recorded the best performance compared to other listed banks in terms of additional flows for demand deposits with an increase of 10.8%.

Koubaâ reaffirmed that despite all the challenges, our bank will continue to fully play its role in meeting the needs of its customers, supporting the State’s efforts to implement its economic policy and supporting the strategic investments of public establishments. Finally, he wished to salute the shareholders for their trust and support as well as all the staff for their dedication and commitment.

It should be noted that the Board of Directors is recomposed of ten members as follows: 5 representatives of the State and other public participants, 2 representatives of the private sector, 1 representative of small shareholders and 2 independents.

Closing the Assembly, the President of the AGO, Mehdi Mejdoub, assured that despite the difficult national and international situation, the bank, with the support of its shareholders, will strive to develop its activities while finalizing its strategic projects. . It will strive to improve its results and strengthen its position on the market in view of its constant desire to maintain its balance and its financial rigidity.

#Bank #challenging #times #Financial #strength #resilience



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