May 2, 1988: ORF’s local television begins operating

2023-05-01 22:37:30

Under Tuesday, May 2, the book of history records, among other things:

1598: In the Treaty of Vervins, Philip II of Spain had to renounce the submission of France.
1668: In the first Peace of Aachen, which ends the “devolution war”, Spain has to cede Dutch border fortresses, including Lille, to France.
1808: Madrid rose up against Napoleon, giving the signal for the Spanish War of Independence.
1813: A Prussian-Russian army is defeated by Napoleon’s army at Groß-Görschen near Lützen.
1923: Pope Pius XI condemns the holding of any kind of sports competition for women in Rome.
1933: The German trade unions are dissolved by the Hitler government and their assets confiscated. The day before, the first Nazi May Day celebrations had taken place.
1953: After his father Talal was deposed, the 18-year-old Hashemite Prince Hussein ascended the Jordanian throne as King Hussein II.
1988:– After eight months of activity, the only rabbi in the GDR, Isaac Neumann, returns to the USA from East Berlin because of the working conditions there.
1988: ORF local television begins operations.
1988: At least 130 dead when a children’s hospital collapses in the Indian city of Jammu.
1993: In Athens, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić accepted the Vance-Owen plan with reservations, which was later rejected by the Bosnian Serbs in a referendum.

birthdays: Carl Michael Ziehrer, Austria. operetta composer (1843-1922); Viktor Kutschera, Austria actor and theater director (1863-1933); Benjamin Spock, US educator/pediatrician (1903-1998); Karl Hartung, German sculptor (1908-1967); Teddy Stauffer, Germany-Switzerland. jazz musician (1908-1991); Leopold Spira, Austria Journalist/Author (1913-1997); Rolf Heyne, German publisher (1928-2000); Horst Stein, German conductor (1928-2008); Florian Graf Henckel von Donnersmarck, German-Austrian film director, screenwriter and film producer (1973); Tina Maze, formerly Slovenian. Ski racer (1983).
days of death: Joseph Unger, Austria lawyer, philosopher, writer and politician; 1881-1913 President of the Reich Court (1828-1913); Mohamed Dib, alger. writer (1920-2003); Blaga Dimitrova, Bulgarian. Ex-Vice President (1922-2003); Wolfgang Völz, German actor (1930-2018); Jeff Hanneman, US hard rocker (“Slayer”) (1964-2013).
name days: Boris, Athanasius, Peregrinus, Siegmund, Gerhilde, Wiborada, Zoë, Nils, Konrad, Antonius, Nikolaus.

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#ORFs #local #television #begins #operating

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