Self-realization of grains of rice, advertisement for Hetbahn Rice Cream

2023-05-01 15:00:00

[ 매드타임스 장혜린 대학생 기자] Everyone is born with different characteristics. Even identical twins do not acquire exactly the same information as they grow up, so in the end, everyone in the world lives as a different being. Our society overlooks this and demands that everyone follow the ‘standard’ route and live according to the ‘standard’. And there is a prejudice in our society that people who do not go to university to live their own life, which is not ‘standard’, are considered strange, or people who look down on non-office jobs are prevalent in our society. However, the MZ generation no longer conforms to this prejudice, and works hard to pioneer a new path and resolve the desire for self-realization.

‘Not everyone has the same dream.’ This is the message that Hetbahn Rice Cream advertisement wants to convey. In ‘Rice Warehouse High School’, the main character seems to be lost in thought among the grains of rice aiming for Hetbahn. During classes such as ‘dojeong’, ‘soaking’, and ‘steaming’, students who cannot concentrate in class are taken to a place where they become ‘porridge’ instead of ‘Hetbahn’. I can! Teacher, I have to become Hetbahn!’ It depicts the perception that students who do not follow their own classic route of Hetbahn are losers, seeing it as a ‘wrong path’ rather than ‘another path’.

CJ CheilJedang YouTube Channel
CJ CheilJedang YouTube Channel

In this uniform rice warehouse, the main character rejects fate and runs out of school. Despite the opposition of Hetbahn parents who shouted, ‘Whether it’s porridge or rice, do as you please!’ I will become an ice cream.’ He runs towards his dream. And after hard work, the main character passes the ‘freezer’ and goes to school for the first time.

CJ CheilJedang YouTube Channel
CJ CheilJedang YouTube Channel

According to Maslow, there are five levels of human needs. The need for self-actualization is the highest level of needs, and it refers to the desire to exercise an individual’s innate ability or growth potential. Even when consuming, the MZ generation does ‘customized consumption’ as an example of ‘personal color diagnosis’ and pursues ‘my own style’. The Hetbahn Rice Cream commercial can be said to be an advertisement that sniped at the desire for self-realization of the MZ generation who rejects their destiny set by society and wants to find their dream.

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In our society where not everyone dreams the same dream, I would like to recommend the Hetbahn Rice Cream commercial to young people in the MZ generation who are willing to give up their dreams because the path they want to take is different from others. I hope you can find your own freezer and pave the way.

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#Selfrealization #grains #rice #advertisement #Hetbahn #Rice #Cream

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