“Former Model Goes from Glamorous to Homeless and Addicted: The Shocking Story of Loni Willison”

2023-04-30 07:10:00

Reporter Huang Haowei / comprehensive report

The 39-year-old Loni Willison (Loni Willison) is a former model. She has been on the cover of fitness magazines many times in the past, and has even walked the red carpet with her celebrity husband, living a glamorous life. Unexpectedly, following being divorced from her husband due to domestic violence in 2014, her life gradually went downhill. Not only did she become a homeless person, but she also became addicted to drugs. Recently, she was witnessed wearing old clothes and rummaging through trash cans on the street. The huge contrast is amazing. emotion.

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▲ Roni Willison and ex-husband Jeremy Jackson. (Photo/Dazhi Image/newscom)

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Roni Willison married American actor Jeremy Jackson (Jeremy Jackson) in 2012, but she divorced him just two years later because of domestic violence. According to foreign media “The Sun”, she claimed that her ex-husband tried to strangle her, causing her neck injury and breaking two ribs. This incident caused her to have psychological problems and quit her job. The rent of the house was evicted by the landlord in 2016, and has been on the streets since then.

▲Loni Willison was photographed living on the street. (recapped from YouTube/X17onlineVideo)

Roni Willison revealed in an interview in the past that in order to avoid being harassed or attacked on the street, she deliberately soiled herself, had not bathed for more than a year, and her teeth were also affected by drugs And dropped several. It is understood that following Roni Willison became addicted to drugs, her mental condition became worse and she gradually became unwilling to communicate with family and friends. In 2018, a friend took her to take a bath, eat something, and found her a drug rehabilitation expert who was willing to help her overcome drug addiction for free, but she did not accept it and returned to the streets soon following.

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● “ETtoday News Cloud” reminds you to protect yourself and stay away from drugs!

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