Popular / Santi Peña and his message for Paraguayans on “D” day

2023-04-30 11:28:10

The candidate for President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, at the beginning of election day, gave his message to his compatriots at the ANR office, and first he extended his greetings to the teachers for their day. “First of all, I want to extend a very special greeting and convey my most sincere congratulations to all the teachers on their day, and reiterate my firm commitment that during our government we will not only listen, but also make their legitimate and postponed claims for social protection and salary claims”, commented.

He took the opportunity to honor the workers who will be celebrating their day tomorrow. “I also advance my tribute to all the workers who will be celebrating their day tomorrow. My respect and admiration for all these anonymous heroes who daily strive to deliver a better country for all of us. Both sectors, together with peasants and farmers, will be my greatest allies to fulfill the motto of our electoral campaign: We are going to be better”, emphasized.

He recalled an unpleasant episode with Augusto Roa Bastos and praised the conscience of the citizenry in choosing those who guarantee full freedom to exercise their rights. “Today, April 30, we also remember an ungrateful event. On that date, but in 1982, due to those strange paradoxes of our history, the eldest of his teachers was expelled from Paraguay: Mr. Augusto Roa Bastos. We appeal to memory to get further and further away from those waves of authoritarianism, intolerance and censorship that, from time to time, hit our democratic shores. But, thank God, we have a determined society determined not to back down, and that is going to vote for those who really offer them sufficient guarantees for the full validity of freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law.” released.

He appealed for the civic journey to be harmonious, leaving irritations aside to build a better country. “May these elections be a true civic party. Let’s go vote with joy and peace. May those who hate put aside their grudges and irritations for a moment. May the polls be the place of harmony, it is time to leave behind what is holding us back and agree to build together and once and for all a better country, our children and future generations will thank us and remember this 30th of April 2023 as the day we knew how to look more at our points in common than our differences”.

“Today we define a country model, we choose if we want a Paraguay that will bet more on its human capital or we will once more lose the enormous opportunity to grow promoting the economic and social well-being of our people, we choose a Paraguay that plans its future to give the great leap that we need or a country that navigates improvisation, we choose between a Paraguay where with a capable and efficient government the economy improves and we all have a better time in the next five years or a country where the agenda and efforts are focused on generating divisions and the lust for power for power”, added.

He assured that he has no hatred or rancor towards any sector and that he is open to reconciliation to build together. “From this place I want to convey to the entire country that I have no enemies. In my heart there is no place for hate and resentment. I only see circumstantial adversaries with whom tomorrow we will have to sit down and talk to undertake the patriotic task of national reconstruction. Dialogue is the only path to reconciliation”he expressed.

The hatred between sectors only brought misfortunes to the country. “The past of hatred and revenge only brought poverty and mourning to our people. It is time for a great patriotic embrace to reach the level of development that our people aspire to and deserve. Each vote of each Paraguayan and each Paraguayan counts, it is a message to the world, a message through which we ratify our commitment to walk the path of democracy, respect for institutions, freedom of expression, tolerance and plural coexistence . We know the challenges that Paraguay has in the next 5 years and we are sure that these challenges can only be realized in democracy.”.

Above all, he declared that democracy is the way to everything. “Democracy is the great national consensus that must unite us beyond our differences, the inalienable principle that must unite us as a Nation. We must work tirelessly to make Paraguayan democracy a civic passion. Those of us who come down to the political arena have the responsibility to reconcile the people with their institutions, our great challenge is that the value of democracy grows and is consolidated day by day in the national feeling “he exclaimed.

He thanked all those who are working to guard the votes of the Paraguayans. “I want to thank our great team that is working in all parts of the country to ensure our right to choose and that will take care of even the smallest detail so that the popular will is respected. Likewise, I want to thank the observers who visit us and the national and international press that with their presence redouble the custody of our democracy”, ended.


#Popular #Santi #Peña #message #Paraguayans #day



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