5 simple morning yoga stretches to start the day right

2023-04-30 05:00:51

Including stretching in your daily morning routine can help fuel you for the day. This can save you from having coffee until mid-morning when you need it most. It can also help you approach the day with greater self-confidence. This sequence can take less than 10 minutes, or longer if you want to stay in the poses for a few more breaths or repeat the entire sequence several times. It can really make a difference in how your body and mind start the day.

1 Child Pose

This restorative pose is great for gently stretching the hips, pelvis, thighs, and spine, all of which can be a little tight in the morning. It can be very pleasant if you have slept a little badly or if you are twisted. It also calms the brain and relieves stress and fatigue, so it can be helpful in starting the day off right.

Equipment needed: For all these poses, a yoga mat is a good item. If you don’t have a yoga mat, you should stand on a stable mat or carpet (you won’t slip on wood!) to cushion your knees.

Muscles worked: This exercise lengthens the gluteus maximus, piriformis, other rotators, hamstrings, spinal extensors, etc.

Start on all fours on the mat, with the knees directly under the hips but the big toes touching.
You may spread your toes if their touching puts pressure on your knees.
Inhale and feel your spine lengthen
As you exhale, bring your butt back to your heels and bring your chin to your chest.
Rest here, with your forehead on the ground and your arms outstretched. You can also put your arms along your body, palms up if you prefer.
Hold this position for 5 deep breaths and deep, steady breaths.

2 Cat and cow (Marjaryasana and Bitilasana)

These two postures performed together can increase the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. This lubricates the spine, stretches the back and torso, and gently massages the organs in the abdominal region. All of these are good for helping you wake up and tackle the rest of your day.

Muscles worked: This movement moves your spine, releasing the tension it contains, as well as the muscles in your arms, abdominals and back.

Change from the Child’s Pose by rising to all fours, the tops of your feet flat, the shoulders directly over the wrists, and the hips directly over the knees. As you inhale, drop your belly, letting arch your back but keep your shoulders rolled back and down (that’s the Cow).
the cow). Look slightly upwards, towards the ceiling.
As you exhale, press your hands into the floor and round your upper back (that’s the cat).
Keep moving, arching on your inhales and rounding on your exhales, and repeat this position for 5 breaths.

3 Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose is ideal for the morning because it is a slight inversion. It resets your nervous system, calms the brain and energizes the body.
It can also relieve fatigue. If you have back problems that impact your sleep and leave you sore and tired, this pose is especially for you. Consider doing it twice as long as suggested below or returning to it between other poses in this sequence for three breaths each time.

Muscles worked: This pose actively works your arms, shoulders, wrists, and core, while stretching your hamstrings, spine, and calves. Much of your body works or stretches here.

On all fours, push into your hands, straightening your arms while raising your hips and straightening your legs.
Note: You can spread your feet and hands a little further apart, as a longer position is normally more comfortable and efficient.
Your heels don’t have to touch the ground here and most people won’t.
As you exhale, press into your hands and roll your shoulders down and back, moving your shoulder blades down your back and your shoulders out.

Your spine should be neutral. You don’t want your upper spine working too hard, your shoulders hunching, or your belly dropping too low. Take at least 5 deep breaths here, bending one knee then the other, to gently open the back of each leg. Settle into the pose by not moving your legs for at least 2 deep breaths.

4 Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This pose always seems simple, but it can do a lot for your posture, your confidence, and the rest of your yoga practice if you do it right.

Muscles worked: Mountain pose works an assortment of muscles in the chest, legs, core, and arms. Even the arches of the feet must be solicited.

You can simply step your right foot forward from the previous pose or, from downward facing dog, look between your hands and step forward.
look between your hands and lift one foot, then the other, so they meet at the top of your mat.

Your feet should have big toes barely touching, your heels will be a little apart, or you can have your feet a few inches apart to improve your balance. Relax your arms so that they rest at your sides while remaining active. Your shoulder blades will be rolled
on your back, with your neck extended and your palms facing forward to keep them engaged.
As you inhale and exhale here, shift your weight back and forth in your feet, to see if you are really standing evenly on both sides. Consider just lifting your toes and spreading them apart, or maybe even seeing if you can get all 4 corners of your feet to support your weight equally.
Take 5 deep breaths here.

5 Flexion avant debout (Uttanasana)

This pose calms the brain, relieves stress, fatigue, and anxiety, and stimulates the kidneys, liver, and digestion. She also gives the impression of being hugged, which is never a bad thing.

Muscles worked: Uttanasana works the muscles of the spine, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and piriformis.

From mountain pose, take a deep breath and raise your hands until they meet above your head.
As you exhale, bend the hip joints (not the waist), keeping the torso long and lifted.
Your legs will stay straight, so you’ll place your hands where it’s most comfortable for you: on your shins, ankles, feet, or even the floor. You can also bring your palms to the back of your calves or ankles. (Note: If none of these options work for you, hold opposite elbows.
your body, hold opposite elbows).
Keep your feet firmly planted and your hips over your heels. As you stay here for 5 deep, steady breaths, remember to
lengthen the trunk and spine on your inhales. Release your curl on your exhales. Completely relax your head and neck.
When you’ve completed five full breaths, release your arms from where they were as you exhale and raise them, lifting your hip joints and core. and come back up, lifting your hip joints and body, inhaling.

Return to mountain pose for 5 breaths to complete the exercise.

To remember

Everyone has their own morning routine: meditation, coffee, hot water with lemon, breakfast and workout, etc.

By incorporating a quick yoga routine into your own, you can turn inward before you start your day. You will give yourself a little “time for yourself” before doing anything. In addition, you will stimulate your organs, your brain, your muscles and your concentration.

You can also wait for your coffee until a more convenient time. Studies from trusted sources indicate that coffee is most effective between 10 a.m. and noon, anyway!

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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