“Shared Reproductive System: The Life of Conjoined Twins and Asexuality”

2023-04-29 14:21:13


These sisters share their reproductive system and one of them claims to be asexual. They recounted details of his life.


A single body and sharing even the most basic activities: that is the life that Carmen and Lupita Andrade have known for 22 years. Both are joined by the torso in what science defines as parapagus twins, that is, those connected by the pelvis and an area or the entire abdomen, explains Mayo Clinic.

The women, residents of Connecticut, came to the United States from Mexico as babies and today have similar aspirations regarding their professional development. They both want to work in the veterinary field and, to that end, one of them (Carmen) is already in college to be a nurse; the other seeks to be a technician in the same field.

Both rule out a pregnancy

Carmen is the one who openly talks regarding her relationship with a young man she met three years ago on a dating app; His name is Daniel and, according to her, he is different from everyone else because he is “free” from prejudices and they contemplate going to live together one day with the “advantage” that Lupita maintains a “good” bond with him.

“Daniel and my sister get along very well. It’s funny because I fall asleep later than Lupita, but when Daniel stays I fall asleep quickly” and then the two of them talk. It should be noted that the second of them claims to be asexual (according to The Spanish, this is nothing more than rejection or little sexual attraction towards someone).

Regarding plans to have children in the future, Carmen does not consider that one of her priorities, despite the fact that both she and her partner “love children.” One of the impediments is endometriosis, that is, a condition that makes pregnancy difficult because certain cells grow in areas other than the uterus, according to Medline Plus.

“It is what we have known”

About the continued coexistence, the conjoined twins told Today.com that does not cause them a ‘complex’ or fatigue, but that does not mean that they are talking or asking questions all the time, for example. “Sometimes (…) we are exhausted and we don’t want to talk. That’s when we’ll use different devices and do our own thing,” Carmen said.

“I have my laptop to do school work, and Lupita puts on her headphones and listens to music or uses her phone. We have been together all our lives, so it is not that we miss our independence, ”she added and, following all, it is what in her words they have known.

Regarding the social circle, the conjoined twins share the same group of friends and have no problems in other aspects, such as the clothes to wear (because the outfits are another common point). Carmen acknowledged to the American media that not everything is “pink,” because being Siamese twins has not kept them from receiving some negative comments.

“Many people are not used to people with disabilities setting limits or creating limits (…). We get a lot of questions regarding sex, how we go to the bathroom and things like that”, revealed Carmen and urged to keep in mind that before conjoined twins are human beings.

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