“Daily Weather Update: Strong Winds and Rain Today, Mostly Sunny Tomorrow – KWANGJU BROADCASTING COMPANY”

2023-04-29 08:46:01

Today (29th), strong winds blew with spring rain in most areas across the country.

All rain will stop as night falls, but strong winds will continue tomorrow in some areas.

Tomorrow, Sunday, will be mostly sunny across the country, and a small amount of rain will fall in the metropolitan area and Yeongseo area of ​​Gangwon from followingnoon to night.

The daytime maximum temperature will be slightly higher than today with a distribution of 16 to 24 degrees, including 19 degrees in Seoul, 21 degrees in Busan and Gwangju, 21 degrees in Daejeon, and 24 degrees in Daegu.

The waves will rise very high, at least 5m in the distant sea of ​​the East Sea.

Fine dust will show a ‘normal’ to ‘good’ level in most of the country due to the smooth atmospheric diffusion and rain, but some areas in the Jeju area and the southern coast will show a ‘bad’ status in the followingnoon.

@ KWANGJU BROADCASTING COMPANY. all rights reserved.

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