“China’s Successful Mediation in Resuming Diplomatic Relations Between Saudi Arabia and Iran”

2023-04-29 05:33:25

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland revealed China’s secrets in promoting the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and there is a lot of information. (File photo from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland)

The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, reported on the user terminal on the 29th that China successfully mediated between Saudi Arabia and Iran to announce the resumption of diplomatic relations on April 6. Wang Di, director of the Department of Asian and African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland, who participated in the process, revealed in an exclusive interview that the Saudi Arabian The resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran was personally directed and deployed by mainland Chinese President Xi Jinping, who worked hard to achieve a diplomatic agreement between heads of state. During the mediation period, from seating arrangements, handshake forms, and even mutual respect, China’s impartial, fair and balanced mediator role was fully utilized.

Regarding the background and details of China’s mediation, Wang Di pointed out that in December last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Saudi Arabia. In February this year, Xi Jinping hosted Iranian President Rahidh for his visit to China. During this period, Xi Jinping personally served as the leaders of the two countries and supported Saudi Arabia and Iran in developing good-neighborly and friendly relations. In the specific process of mediating the Saudi Arabia-Iraq dialogue and promoting the process of Saudi Arabia’s resumption of diplomatic relations, China has played the role of an impartial, fair and balanced mediator.

At the closing ceremony of the Saudi Arabia-Iraq dialogue, the seats of the three delegations of China, Saudi Arabia and Iran were arranged in an equilateral triangle. This arrangement reflects China’s consistent position of equality and mutual respect between countries.

For another example, at the closing ceremony of the Saudi-Iranian dialogue in Beijing on March 10, Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, held the hands of the leaders of the Saudi and Iranian delegations, symbolizing the “ice-breaking” of Saudi-Iranian relations with China’s support. On April 6, when Foreign Minister Shah and Iran met in Beijing, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang and the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Iran held hands tightly, symbolizing the “thawing” of Saudi-Iranian relations.

Qatar Al Jazeera borrowed the famous words of the Prophet Muhammad of Islam, “Seek knowledge, even if it is far away in China”, and praised “Seek peace, even if it is far away in China”.

Wang Di analyzed that mainland China received positive responses from the two countries, and the unique advantage of successful mediation is that China’s Middle East diplomacy has accumulated significant political and moral advantages. The first is to uphold fairness and justice. China always respects the sovereignty and independence of countries in the Middle East, respects the independent choices of the people in the Middle East, and promotes political settlement of hotspot issues. The second is to encourage unity and self-improvement. Actively promote peace talks and support independent exploration of solutions acceptable to all parties. The third is to pursue win-win cooperation. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has achieved fruitful results. The fourth is to promote inclusiveness and mutual learning. Together we oppose the theory of clash of civilizations, Islamophobia, and linking terrorism with specific ethnic religions.

Wang Di said that Shay’s small step to shake hands and make peace is a big step for mankind to overcome conflicts and achieve reconciliation. For China, successfully mediating the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a major diplomatic practice of China in implementing global security initiatives in the Middle East.

What challenges will bilateral relations face following the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries? Wang Di believes that Saudi Arabia and Iran are separated by a river, and they have important influence in the Persian Gulf region. In recent years, Saudi Arabia-Iraq relations have encountered some ups and downs, but looking back at the history of exchanges between the two countries that lasted for thousands of years, friendly exchanges are the mainstream. In particular, Saudi Arabia and Iran have jointly launched important mechanisms such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which have effectively promoted the unity and cooperation of developing countries in related fields.

“If you don’t accumulate steps, you can reach a thousand miles.” An Arabic proverb says, “Those who act patiently will realize their wishes.” There is also a Persian proverb, “Only with hard work and tenacity can mulberry leaves be turned into silk.” China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.

Q: What is the main goal of China’s participation in coordinating Middle East affairs at this stage? What is the main mode of operation?

Wang Di stressed that China has established comprehensive strategic partnerships or strategic partnerships with 12 countries in the Middle East. In December last year, the first China-Arab Summit was successfully held, and they agreed to make every effort to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era, and to elevate the China-Arab strategic partnership to a new level.

In recent years, China has put forward a five-point initiative on security and stability in the Middle East, a four-point proposal on the political settlement of the Syrian issue, and a three-point idea on the implementation of the “two-state solution” between Israel and Palestine. Continued Middle East security architecture, these efforts have been welcomed and affirmed by the Middle East countries.

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