How to quit smoking ? Summary of the main methods

2023-04-29 08:05:58

There are many techniques for quitting smoking, or at least reducing cigarette consumption. Nevertheless, the methods are so diverse and varied that it is sometimes difficult to navigate and find the one that meets your needs. In this article, we summarize the main techniques to help you see things more clearly.

Fight nicotine addiction

Part of the addiction to cigarettes is entirely chemical: it is the effect of nicotine.

Nicotine substitutes are effective treatments that aim to meet the need for nicotine other than with cigarettes. It can be sprays, patches, chewing gums, lozenges, etc. The idea is to gradually reduce the doses of nicotine to gradually reduce the phenomenon of addiction. They are strictly supervised by the anti-tobacco health authorities, and are part of the classic care pathways (meeting with a doctor, sale in pharmacies, coverage by social security and mutual insurance, etc.).

The electronic cigarette is another nicotine substitute which is not part of the classic care pathway. Its smoke is not without dangers, but remains much less harmful than that of the classic cigarette, which makes it an interesting substitute. It is also possible to gradually reduce the doses of nicotine.

There are also very powerful drugs like Champix and Zyban. Nevertheless, they are rarely prescribed because of their violent side effects: neurological disorders, nausea, insomnia, etc. Champix has also been accused of increasing the risk of depression, while Zyban was originally an antidepressant.

Use an alternative or natural method

Unlike the previous techniques, the so-called alternative or natural methods do not influence nicotine addiction, but rather the state of mind of the smoker. Their effectiveness is not scientifically proven, but they have helped many people quit. It is therefore advisable to try them, but also to combine them with a recognized medical device (such as nicotine substitutes).

  • Hypnosis is the best known: quit smoking with hypnosis works on the principle of suggesting the disgust of cigarettes or the freedom of a tobacco-free life.
  • Aromatherapy and herbal medicine aim to fight against stress, anxiety or even mood swings to reduce the feeling of craving for a cigarette.
  • Coming from Chinese medicine, acupuncture consists of improving the circulation of Qi (vital energy) to eliminate the desire to smoke.
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The list of these methods is still long: meditation, sophrology, naturopathy… In reality, apart from hypnosis which has a specific function, the other techniques mainly advocate a better lifestyle and a healthier, more serene way of life. and more fulfilling.

Bonus: be accompanied

Whatever the preferred methods of each, it is possible to optimize their motivation by being accompanied:

  • By an addictologist or tobacco specialist,
  • With the devices of Tabac Info Service,
  • By participating in the month without tobacco,
  • Through self-help groups,
  • Etc.

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