“Weekly News Recap: Vacations, Mortgage Loans, and Delhaize Conflict – We Need to Talk”

2023-04-28 21:06:00

This Friday, April 28, Maxime Binet discussed on the set of “We need to talk” regarding vacations, mortgage loans and the Delhaize conflict.

The first subject discussed was the holidays. “Where will you spend yours?”. Toto Bongiorno, restaurateur, thinks the new calendar will be beneficial to the tourism sector. For the Horeca sector, it looks good according to him. Christophe Depreter, UPAV general secretary, explains that the need for sun and holidays takes precedence over the other items of expenditure for Belgians.

Brussels Airport stormed at the dawn of the holidays: “This heavy crowd will last for several days”

Are mortgage loans experiencing a permanent increase? Nawal Bensalem, deputy editor-in-chief of La Derniere Heure/Les Sports, affirms that today, young people can no longer make large contributions when buying real estate.

Potential buyers give up buying: up to €500 more per month for a loan of €300,000!

At the end of the program, the Delhaize subject was put on the table. After blocking the Zellik depot last night, Felipe Van Keirsbilck, Secretary General of the CNE (CSC) explains his motivations: “We have a billion-rich multinational decides to get rid of 9,300 people without any form of consultation and without space for negotiation, so they answer us, ‘we don’t want to talk to you. You will first accept and, when you accept that we throw these 9,300 people on the market, whoever wants to buys them, then maybe we can talk regarding the details. That’s basic violence. It was not me but a Brazilian bishop who said it: there are three types of violence that exist: that of the system, which is always the violence of the powerful, those who have money, those who have arms, means, then there is the violence of those who try to defend themselves. It’s self-defense.

Motor oil spilled in front of five Delhaize stores in Brussels

Faced with Maxime Binet who questions violence, Felipe Van Keirsbilck explains that everything happened calmly and without violence. But according to him,violence is putting thousands of families on the street without even speaking to them”, he begins. “The director of Delhaize makes a video to all his collaborators to address all his collaborators, he talks regarding everything and nothing and he does not even refer to the conflict. That’s real violence.

Nawal Bensalem, deputy editor-in-chief of La Derniere Heure/Les Sports, takes the floor to respond to the positions of Felipe Van Keirsbilck: “For me, while you are defending the workers, preventing other workers from working is a form of violence.

The debate becomes more heated, in front of Felipe Van Keirsbilck who declares that Nawal Bensalem defends capitalist interests and this one who answers in the negative and declares to defend the rights of the workers.

#talk #justify #means #Delhaize #conflict



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