“Man Bitten by Bear in Slovenia: Latest Updates and Controversy Surrounding Brown Bear Population”

2023-04-27 21:00:25

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Von: Karolin Schäfer

In Slovenia, a man is attacked by a bear while walking in the forest near the Slovenian capital. The animal bites his leg.

Ljubljana – Just a few weeks ago, a bear attack that killed a jogger shook the northern Italian region of Trentino. Meanwhile, the problem bear Gaia has been captured. But now another bear attack is causing a stir – this time in Slovenia.

A man was attacked by a bear while out for a walk on Wednesday (April 26), Slovenian media reported, citing a statement from the Municipality of Škofljica. The news portal 24ur.com According to the report, the 57-year-old man was said to have been walking in the forest with his dog and another person in the morning – regarding 20 kilometers south of the Slovenian capital Ljubljana.

Bear attack in Slovenia: man is bitten in the leg

The man was bitten on the leg and escaped with minor injuries, the Ministry of Natural Resources said. They don’t want to shoot the bear in Slovenia, as the government demanded following the deadly attack in Italy.

In Slovenia, a walker was bitten by a bear. (Iconic image) © Massimo Papi/dpa

“The incident happened in the forest and not near a settlement. Also, chasing an uninjured bear would be risky,” the ministry explains. How exactly the encounter between the bear and the walker took place is not known at first.

Bear attacks walkers in Slovenia: is the animal injured?

There is currently speculation as to whether the animal might be injured, the Austrian newspaper reported DerStandard. According to media reports, it might be the same animal that was hit by a car in the region last week. Whether this is true can probably only be confirmed with a DNA test.

It is not uncommon for humans and bears to meet in Slovenia. In March, a brown bear attacked two joggers. According to the environmental organization WWF, there are around 17,000 brown bears in Europe, hundreds of them in Slovenia.

Bear tourism in Slovenia: Ministry probably wants to reduce the population

According to the Bear Foundation, there is a particularly stable bear population there. This even developed into a real bear tourism. Numerous tour operators offer guided tours so tourists can snap a photo of the animals or observe them. However, the recent attacks sparked a heated debate regarding the coexistence of humans and bears. This is how mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner commented on the incident in Italy.

RTL According to the ministry in Slovenia, they want to reduce the brown bear population to prevent clashes with humans. 234 bears are said to have been killed in the past year. The fact that bears are on the hit list also attracts critics. They want animal rights activists to prevent the shooting of the problem bear Gaia. A court will rule on the killing in May. Meanwhile, a brown bear roams through Bavaria. Traces were found, including even two dead sheep. (cheese)

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