“Controversial AI Videos of Murder Victims: The Latest News and Legal Action”

2023-04-28 01:12:55

The publication of these TikTok videos that bring young murder victims back to life have sparked a wave of disapproval for two days.

• Read also: Artificial intelligence and death: “I find it disgusting”, indignant the mother of Norah and Romy

• Read also: Cédrika Provencher: artificial intelligence to bring murder victims back to life

Another video surfaced on social media on Thursday. Using deep fakery and artificial intelligence, we see and hear a little girl impersonating the 7-year-old victim telling her story.

In the video – titled the case of the dead girl, suffocated by scothe – the victim is named and even shows unveiled photos of her. The authors of this two-minute capsule recount in detail the underside of his shocking story and reveal information that is still sensitive for relatives and has so far received very little media coverage.

In the eyes of the biological mother’s lawyer and the paternal grandmother, these publications are ethically and morally unacceptable. Me Valérie Assouline also intends to take civil action to stop their dissemination. A complaint was even filed with the police officers of the Sûreté du Québec. “We will do everything to stop it. It is horrible to see and hear these videos. Out of human dignity, I ask the authors to remove them.”

With the 39-year-old mother-in-law’s appeal proceedings still pending, the publication ban preventing the disclosure of any information that might identify the victim and her siblings is still in effect.

By transgressing such an order, a person is liable to a maximum fine of
$5,000 and faces jail time up to a maximum of 2 years less a day.

Out of respect for the girl’s relatives who have suffered enough since the start of the legal proceedings, Me Assouline implores users of social networks not to share these videos.

Note that the video as well as that in which we personified other young girls who were victims of murder have been removed from TikTok.

#Artificial #intelligence #impersonate #murder #victims #Granby #girls #lawyer #intends #act



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