Schiaretti spoke of dollarization: There are no miraculous solutions; the country has to have its currency

2023-04-27 23:12:21

Governor Juan Schiaretti received the support of the Christian Democratic party to be a candidate for president in the primary elections on August 13.

The president held a meeting on Thursday with the National Executive Board of the Christian Democratic Party. At the meeting, held in the city of Buenos Aires, the party authorities received Schiaretti, and unanimously approved a resolution inviting him to be a candidate for President of the Nation. The event was headed by the president of the National Party Board, Nancy Alberione, and by the Organization Secretary, Juan Brügge.

As he has been marking in other public events, Schiaretti raised the need for an anti-crack shipowner, to make Argentina a “normal country”. Within this framework, the Cordovan was critical of the dollarization projects proposed, for example, by the liberal Javier Milei.

This is how he expressed it: “In Argentina, some say we have to dollarize, as if it were that simple. That is a ‘miraculous’ measure. I wonder how many dollars are needed so that the purchasing power of the people does not fall. I think that in the current situation, the value of the dollar would be between 9,000 and 9,500 pesos to dollarize… There are no miraculous and simplistic solutions”.

Along these lines, he elaborated: “This country has its complexity and it has to have its currency; you cannot give up your coin. What we have to have is the attitude of the countries that have done well, that have progressed and that have managed to reduce poverty. That happened in our sister countries Uruguay, Chile, Brazil and Bolivia. They all have in common that they have balance and fiscal responsibility. It is not an ideological issue but common sense”.

Schiaretti also spoke regarding the volume that the State must have and its articulation with the private sector. “You cannot be discussing whether the State does everything or the State disappears. There has to be as much market as possible and as much State as necessary. You can’t have that Byzantine discussion,” he raised.

The president insisted that “what our country needs is an alternative that expresses production and work, that comes out of the crack, that expresses the non-crack, that expresses those who get up every day to earn their bread.” ”. “Argentines also need us to be a normal country, not the country of shouting and insults, the country where those who think differently must be destroyed instead of understanding that they are someone with whom they share values ​​and with whom they can build something superior”, he completed.

Finally, Schiaretti assured: “If we are capable of building this alternative, a coalition with other forces among those of us who want a country of production and work, a country that expresses the need to take care of the institutions, out of the damn crack, Argentina will to leave behind so much time of decadence and begin to grow and be a normal country”.

#Schiaretti #spoke #dollarization #miraculous #solutions #country #currency



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