2023-04-27 14:52:00
First area: employment. “Too many people spend their time at home doing nothing”, notes Conner Rousseau during a press briefing organized Thursday at the party headquarters. “VSIt makes no sense,” he professes. It’s a vicious cycle and a bad thing for everyone”. As a general rule, unemployed Dutch-speaking people are monitored by the VDAB, the Flemish employment service. “But the reality does not match this theory”, believes Conner Rousseau. “Less than 5% of job seekers have received training in the past year and only 13% of them have had to submit to a job search obligation in the past year”, he observes. “How to explain that 194,000 Flemings are looking for a job and that 30,000 people have not had a job for five years when the VDAB offers 75,000 job offers today? asks Rousseau.
Should unemployment benefits be limited in time? “If we do it the hussar, it will be a disaster”
Basic employment
According to Vooruit, job seekers should be able to benefit from language or digital training from day one and receive help in preparing an anonymous CV online within two weeks. They must also receive one job offer per month from the VDAB and apply twice on their own initiative. It is a question of providing for an evaluation every four months following which the VDAB can impose training. “We offer a tsunami of training”, adds Know Rousseau. There are rights but also duties. Those who refuse risk a penalty. For example, the loss of unemployment benefit for several weeks. After eight months, training for a job in short supply can be imposed. If these measures still do not lead to a job following two years, the VDAB offers a “basic job” that the job seeker is required to accept. If he fails to do so, unemployment benefit ends.
Conner Rousseau, who wants to return to the head of Vooruit, poses as a bulwark once morest Vlaams Belang… and as future Prime Minister?
Minimum wage
The president of Vooruit also proposes to raise the minimum wage to 14 euros per hour. In this way, the difference in income between people who work and those who do not work will increase, he believes. Conner Rousseau also advocates relaxing the law that sets the wage standard in order to allow sectors and companies to supplement the margin established at the interprofessional level. Vooruit also reiterated its attachment to automatic wage indexation. However, the party suggests an adaptation in the event of high inflation: low wages would experience higher indexation and high wages less indexation.
Conner Rousseau is determined to put the turbo to succeed in the challenge of employment. “Our measures are inspired by good practices which have borne fruit in Austria, the Netherlands and Denmark. We are ready.” Has he consulted the PS? “What other political parties do does not interest me. Yes, I have regular contact with the PS whenever I have the opportunity. As for our employment measures, I can’t answer you like that, I haven’t had time to check my French-speaking mailbox yet”.
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