What are the low calorie foods to face the winter?

2023-04-26 10:30:04

Endive, the slimming ally

full of water and low calorie (barely 12 kcal / 100g) endive is an ideal slimming ally. It is also high in fiber, which promotes intestinal transit and its high rate of potassium allows the body to eliminate well. Who says better ?! To appreciate it, there are dozens and dozens of recipes, each tastier than the next: eat it raw, in a salad, with slices of raw Granny Smith apples and a citrus vinaigrette, or with smoked salmon. , lemon and light cream, but also cooked in the traditional endive gratin recipe!

The bar to preserve our muscles

The bass is a fish rich in good proteins, which serve to preserve our muscles. In addition, it is very low in fat and low in calories (100 kcal / 100g). Our recipe for feasting? Just put a layer of coarse salt at the bottom of the dish, lengthen the bar filled with herbs and cover with coarse salt that we pack well. Then bake for 45 minutes at 210°C. All that remains is to accompany the fish with the vegetables of your choice (spinach with cream, cabbage, raw orange salad, etc.) to obtain a delicious dish!

Pineapple, the 100% healthy snack

With 50 kcal/100g, pineapple is one of the lowest calorie winter fruits : it is therefore not surprising that it is considered a major ally in the context of diets aimed at weight loss or that it is the star of flat stomach foods ! Low in calories, this exotic fruit is also packed with vitamin C and bromelain (or bromelain), an enzyme that aids digestion proteins… As tasty as they are good for your health, it would be wrong to deprive yourself of eating them! Our favorite recipe to enjoy it? We eat the pineapple in carpaccio, thinly sliced ​​with a mandolin and sprinkled with a little cinnamon or orange juice to enhance the flavors. In the same way, the apple is also a good alternative when you are interested in winter slimming foods!

Walnuts and hazelnuts for good fats

Oilseeds are rich in good fats (mono and polyunsaturated) which are beneficial for our cardiovascular system. Walnuts and hazelnuts also provide satiating vegetable proteins that allow wedge the stomach for a few hours: it’s the perfect snack! You can taste a good handful of them as a snack, instead of a chocolate bar, or even to quench a little hunger, in the evening, following dinner!

Sauerkraut, low calorie food

The fermented cabbage used for sauerkraut provides a good dose of vitamin C! A vitamin essential for the proper functioning of the body and which allows in particular to boost our defenses ! With only 15 kcal per 100 g, cabbage cooked in sauerkraut is an ideal winter meal when trying to lose weight. On the other hand, as sauerkraut is rich in salt, it can cause water retention: we therefore think of rinsing it before cooking it.

Beef to fill up on iron

Due to the evolution of our diet – and in particular the increase in diets banishing meat – our body often lacks iron. But it is an essential element for fight once morest winter fatigue. To overcome this deficiency, we opt for beef, which fills up with iron but also with proteins, which stall, and zinc, which stimulates our natural defences. To fill up with minerals in the heart of winter, it is eaten in a pot-au-feu, with lots of vegetables. If you are a fan of the vegetarian diet or the vegan diet, we also think of spinach! A leafy vegetable from the same family as beets, spinach is rich in iron and contains many nutrients such as provitamins A, vitamin B9, vitamin K, vitamin C. Creamed spinach, spinach in soup or even raw, in salads, we don’t hesitate to put spinach dishes on the menu!

Parsnips, the slimming food

The parsnip is a cousin of the carrot. Like the carrot, this root has a slightly sweet taste which makes it very tasty! Above all, parsnips are a very low-calorie food (60 calories per 100 g) and a major nutritional ally! Winter is the season for this root vegetable which turns out to be a very good source of vitamins and insoluble fibre. You can savor it mashed or in soup, in a gratin with a light béchamel sauce and even as a dessert by revisiting the Anglo-Saxon recipe for carrot cake with parsnips!

Lentils to settle the stomach

These small legumes contain complex carbohydrates, proteins and fibres: the ideal trio to quickly reach the satiety ! Concentrated in good nutrients, lentils are the most digestible legumes in their family (ahead of broad beans, chickpeas, etc.), so we don’t deprive ourselves of them! They are eaten in all kinds of dishes such as, for example, in a small salty version light with 1 minced onion, 1 carrot cut into slices, 1 sprig of thyme and 1/4 cooked ham (100 g approx.).

Beets, low in calories

A good-looking vegetable, thanks to the beta-carotene it contains, beets are a source of digestive fiber and anti-fatigue vitamin B9 (100 g are enough to cover 20% of the recommended daily intake). Although sweeter than other vegetables, it remains moderately caloric (40 calories per 100 g). It is eaten as a velouté by cooking 500 g of beets and 2 onions together, in water (not too much). Mix following 20 minutes, add a little (50 ml) of coconut milk, mix once more and enjoy this soup for 4 people. You can also eat raw beets, with a little lemon sauce!

Thanks to Audrey Aveaux, dietician, and co-author, with Jacques Fricker, of “Bon, santé & pas cher” (Odile Jacob), for her precious collaboration.

#calorie #foods #face #winter



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