Open letter to the rossossois | the pen

2023-04-26 19:51:58

Dear Rossossois, Rossossoises.

It is your son Amet Rokhaya FALL who addresses you.

First of all, I would like to thank Almighty God for allowing us to fully experience the month of Ramadan, this month of sharing and devotion. I implore the Lord to accept our fast, answer our prayers, accept our good deeds and grant us a better tomorrow.

Dear Rossossois, Rossoissoises,

I want to share with you the fruit of my reflection. With sincerity and integrity.

I got involved with the party of the presidential majority INSAF, for the general interest, for Rosso and the Rossossois.

Invested as a candidate for deputy, which leads me to favor what brings us together.

I have a desire to add reasonable people and to unite to reform Rosso at the service of each of its inhabitants. Which keeps me away from clans, stables and self-centered egos, back room tricks.

I invest myself to bring my help and to save our Rosso. To provide assistance to the Rossossois.

For equal opportunities, including those who come from rural areas.

I was born here in Garack. I love this land which has seen me grow and become what I am today. For nothing in the world, I will abandon my roots.

I want to defend our Rossossoises values, of diom and crowd, of self-sacrifice, fraternity, sharing and respect for others.

I want us sons and daughters of this beautiful historic city to realize this. Let’s embody fraternity, if only between us.

Let’s be lucid, Rossossois, to understand the issues and get closer to the essentials.

Let’s not be primitive and calculating.

Let’s be real and brave.

Let’s open our hearts dear Rossossois.

I stayed close to my city without ever leaving it. Our dear Rosso, whom I love more than ever, I don’t want to watch her tear herself apart instead of uniting. I don’t want to see her doubting instead of advancing.

Rossossois, Rossossoises,

let’s be calm. You will have and you deserve it more the attention of the public authorities without that passing by mistrust.

Rosso is afraid of the future, I know his fears and I hear him. Let’s bring solutions together and don’t just criticize.

To the discourse of a certain opposition, let us respond with faith, the desire and the passion to act.

Honor, in the name of which we defend our city, is a value that transcends.

Honor is not to block at all costs but to advance as much as you can and to train with you.

I want us together to open our eyes to these realities.

I want young people to understand that we want to act to make the impossible possible for them.

I want you to refuse to be used, instrumentalized, but to become the generation of hope.

We are in 2023. People no longer vote for so and so because in the name of an ideology, a political affiliation of an opposition that wants to systematically block everything that the person in charge does.

People vote for those who have ambitions and work for them. Who agree to go in the same direction if it is in the general interest.

Education for all is a priority for me.

Dear Rossossois et Rossossoises,

I tell you. I chose to be a candidate to build and build Rosso. So on the evening of May 13, 2023, if you vote for me and our INSAF party, you will elect (Inchallah) a constructive and builder representative.

A deputy at your side for relevant interventions in the hemicycle.

I would create permanences in Rosso city and in certain villages by my own means.

I will be a deputy to solve collective problems and individual situations.

Rossossois, Rossossoises,

Let’s have faith in the changes that are coming. Disruption will take place, to break with conformism, to add instead of divide. To develop Rosso.

Between credulity and mistrust there is room for hope.

So, Rosso,

Roll up your sleeves!

Mobilize this positive energy that is in you!

So that Rosso may live!


Candidate for deputy of the INSAF party in Rosso

#Open #letter #rossossois #pen



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