President Xi Jinping’s Congratulatory Letter to the Conference of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance: Implementing the Global Civilization Initiative and Promoting Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations

2023-04-26 17:34:00

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 26Topic: Implementing the Global Civilization Initiative and Promoting Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations—President Xi Jinping’s Congratulatory Letter to the Conference of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance Aroused Enthusiastic Responses from People in Asian Countries

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The first Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance Conference opened in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province on the 25th. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the conference on the same day, which aroused enthusiastic responses from people from Asian countries. Everyone believed that President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter put forward ardent hopes for the construction of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance, and pointed out the direction for promoting Asian cultural heritage protection actions and enriching the practice of exchanges and mutual learning among Asian civilizations. The establishment of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance will help strengthen Asian culture. Heritage protection and deepening civilization exchanges, I believe that China will make new and greater contributions to maintaining Asian cultural prosperity, deepening international cooperation in the field of cultural heritage, and promoting civilization exchanges, mutual learning and progress.

Jointly protect cultural heritage

In his congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping fully affirmed the achievements made by all parties in the joint efforts to protect Asian cultural heritage. Nasir Khan, Deputy Director of the Department of Archeology and Museums of the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture of Pakistan, felt the same way. “China has been helping Pakistan to train professionals, share technical experience in cultural heritage protection, and give Pakistani cultural heritage protection personnel the opportunity to participate in exhibitions in China, allowing Pakistan to showcase its cultural heritage to a wider audience.”

China-Pakistan cooperation is an epitome of joint protection of cultural heritage. In recent years, China has cooperated in 11 historical sites protection and restoration projects in 6 Asian countries, and has carried out more than 20 joint archaeological cooperation projects with 14 Asian countries, helping to explore the context of Asian civilizations and build a bridge of people-to-people bonds in Asia.

In the Bamiyan Valley of Afghanistan, a group of young Chinese scholars from Peking University, Lanzhou University and other institutions “brought real help” to the protection of local cultural heritage. Muhammad Ali Hussein Yar, a scholar at the Bamiyan Giant Buddha Site Management Office, said that since last year, Chinese scholars have cooperated with local cultural conservation workers to officially number most of the grottoes near the Great Buddha site, and installed wooden plaques with information such as the age of the caves. nameplate. They also hold regular cultural relics protection knowledge training in the local area to raise local people’s awareness of cultural relics protection.

“The protection and restoration of the ancient city of Khiva, which was jointly carried out by China and Uzbekistan, is a testimony of China’s active efforts to protect Asian cultural heritage.” After reading President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter, Urazalieva, an independent analyst from Uzbekistan, said that as a As a country with history and rich culture, China respects the culture of other countries while attaching importance to the protection and promotion of its own culture. The continuous cooperation between China and other countries in the field of cultural heritage protection is not only conducive to expanding cultural exchanges and mutual understanding, but also conducive to the inheritance of history and culture of various countries.

From the Chau Sa Temple to the Tea Keo Temple, China’s “relic doctor” has helped Cambodia’s Angkor monuments come back to life. Long Kesar, deputy director of the Angkor World Cultural Heritage Administration, said that China has made positive contributions to the protection, preservation and development of the Angkor monuments, and has also trained a group of experts in the field of cultural relic restoration and protection for Cambodia. sexual”.

Continuously deepen exchanges among Asian civilizations

“The establishment of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance will promote the protection, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage in various parts of Asia, and will also help promote the construction of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.” Ronkosar commented.

Ronkosar said that, as President Xi Jinping pointed out, the establishment of the alliance will “be conducive to strengthening the protection of Asian cultural heritage and deepening exchanges among Asian civilizations.” He believes that the alliance truly embodies the joint efforts of Asian countries for the long-term protection and preservation of Asian cultural heritage, and will promote the exchange of Asian civilizations. He believes that under the framework of the alliance, Cambodia and China will further strengthen cultural heritage protection cooperation and cultural exchanges.

According to Kwon Ki-sik, president of the South Korea-China Urban Friendship Association, the establishment of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance will play a positive role in carrying out cultural heritage protection and restoration cooperation and expanding exhibit exchange activities in Asian countries, including South Korea. “We look forward to deepening comprehensive cooperation between South Korea and China in the field of cultural heritage following the establishment of the alliance, and holding more cultural relic exhibitions and other activities, so as to enhance the understanding of each other’s history and culture between the people of the two countries, and deepen mutual learning and exchanges between civilizations.”

In 2015, the nine-story temple complex located in the core area of ​​Durbar Square in Kathmandu, a world cultural heritage, was severely damaged in a strong earthquake. After years of hard work, the China Cultural Heritage Research Institute assisted the Nepalese team to successfully complete the repair of the cultural relics of the temple complex. Balmukunda Regmi, a professor at Tribhuvan University in Nepal, said that the establishment of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance will effectively help Asian countries cooperate to deal with the destruction of cultural heritage caused by natural disasters and wars, and will have a negative impact on the cultural heritage of the world and the region. Protection and cultural exchange will play a positive role in promoting.

Actively practice the global civilization initiative

“Both Iraq and China have ancient civilizations, and the two countries have broad cooperation space in the protection of cultural heritage. China’s advanced technology and innovative thinking in cultural heritage protection are exactly what Iraq needs.” President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter to Iraqi University News Professor Mohammad Jubri was very excited.

In Jubri’s view, the establishment of the Asian Cultural Heritage Conservation Alliance is a vivid practice of the global civilization initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. The connection and interaction among different civilizations creates conditions for world peace and stability.

Mohammad Omari, an expert on Syrian political issues, said that President Xi Jinping pointed out that the establishment of the alliance will “prosper the garden of world civilizations and contribute to the progress of human civilization”, which he highly agrees with. He said that Asian countries have rich cultural heritage, and the protection of Asian cultural heritage is conducive to the inheritance of Asian civilization and cultural exchanges. It is a manifestation of respect for the diversity of world civilizations and a positive response to the global civilization initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping.

According to Urazaliyeva, an independent analyst in Uzbekistan, President Xi Jinping’s proposition of “promoting mutual understanding and friendship among people of all countries and jointly promoting the development and progress of human civilization” will have a profound impact on exchanges and mutual learning among global civilizations. This proposition of promoting the common prosperity of culture will effectively promote the understanding among different cultures, shorten the distance between each other, and at the same time stimulate the emergence of innovative ideas in the cultural field.

Balmukunda Regmi, a professor at Tribhuvan University in Nepal, believes that President Xi Jinping’s proposition of “building a network of dialogue and cooperation among global civilizations” is of epochal significance. “This will protect the diversity of cultures and civilizations, and ultimately help countries and regions around the world achieve friendship, peace, coexistence and development.”

“For thousands of years, different regions and different civilizations have bred different cultures and arts. This is the charm of the world.” Nasir Khan, deputy director of the Department of Archeology and Museums of the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture of Pakistan, said that President Xi Jinping proposed The global civilization initiative and the proposition of “building a global civilization dialogue and cooperation network” are the full manifestation of respecting the diversity of civilizations. Respecting the diversity of world civilizations, arts, cultures and heritage will inject strength into exchanges and cooperation between people all over the world. It is an ideal path to promote the peace and development of mankind. (Comprehensive report by foreign correspondents of Xinhua News Agency, note-takers: Wang Yanan, Chang Tiantong)

[Responsible editor: Zhan Yuquan]

#Implementing #Global #Civilization #Initiative #Promoting #Exchanges #Mutual #Learning #among #CivilizationsPresident #Jinpings #Congratulatory #Letter #Conference #Asian #Cultural #Heritage #Conservation #Alliance #Aroused #Enthusiastic #Responses #People #Asian #Countries_中国网



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