2023-04-26 09:00:00
Vicente Vergauven (Viedma), Joaquín Catalano (Choele Choel) and Valentino Bruno (Luis Beltrán) are the regional paddlersmembers of the Argentine national team, who from today until Sunday will be participating in the Pan American Junior and Sub23 Speed Canoeing Championship.
Overwhelming dominance of the regional canoeing army in the Selective course for the World Cup in Denmark
The event will take place on the Chilean track of the Laguna Grande of San Pedro de la Paz, Biobío Region. The competition is organized and supervised by the Chilean National Canoeing Sports Federation, and the Pan-American Canoe Confederation.
The members of the Argentine team are already in the Chilean region of Biobío, headquarters of the competition
The place of the competition is the same where the 2023 Pan American Games will be held.
Vergauven and Catalano are the current two-time junior champions of the Río Negro Regatta and in the last Selective towards the World Cup in Denmark 2023 they dominated their respective categories.
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