2023-04-26 08:00:39
On March 22 at the National University of La Rioja He took the entrance exam for the career of Medicine, where it was established that the minimum to pass was 60% over 100%. This number was surpassed only by 25 applicants.
The deadline for submitting the lists of those approved expired on March 30. Not having more than 25 people inside, on the 31st of the same month the director of the career who is in charge of supervising the leveling course, Dario Romanbazzithen proposed lowering the percentage to 50% so that more applicants entered and thus, a few days later, a list was published that included many more boys who had reached that percentage, because students who had actually reached between 42% and 47% of the exam.
On April 5, the Academic Department of Health Sciences issued a statement in which, through Resolution “CDDACS 60/2023, the request of the applicants, raised before the body through a file by the Director of the Career of Health, was dismissed. Medicine, to lower the evaluation criteria to 40%. Thus, it was decided to continue with the evaluation criteria up to 50% of questions correctly answered out of the 100 asked.
Finally, 134 students entered the major and the Academic Department pointed out that the list published by the Student Secretary on the virtual campus, which included grades with less than 50%, was not approved or recognized by the department, so the percentages are not they were official.
For almost a month, applicants for admission to the UNLaR Medicine career have been denouncing irregularities with various actions. Vigils in the rectory, night camps at the gate of the university, and now judicial actions are added. Faced with the refusal to incorporate 205 applicants who were left out, 96 of them filed an appeal to reverse this situation.
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