Toru Tamagawa “Disappeared” postal savings, 45.7 billion yen in 2021 … “This is not convincing”: J-CAST TV watch[Full text]

2023-04-26 02:23:03

“Postal savings may disappear,” MC Shinichi Hatori cut out on “Morning Show” on April 26 (April 2023) regarding the postal service before the privatization of the postal service, 20 years following the expiration date. The news is that the right to save money will disappear. It is said that the amount that disappeared in 2021 will reach a record high of 45.7 billion yen.

  • Debate over the postal savings system (picture is an image)

    Debate over the postal savings system (picture is an image)

  • Debate over the postal savings system (picture is an image)

You say you know it, but…

Fixed-term and fixed-amount postal savings deposited before September 2007, before the privatization of the postal services, will be extinguished if they are not repaid within 20 years and 2 months following maturity, and will be put into the national treasury. Although it is a law, people who heard the program on the street were uniformly surprised, saying, “This is the first time I’ve heard of it.” rice field.

The program also introduced the voice of a person who actually lost her savings, saying, “The 200,000 yen that my mother had deposited disappeared. It was a big shock because I had kept it carefully so that I might use it just in case.” .

The Japan Post Management and Support Organization, which manages fixed-amount savings before privatization, sends notices to savers two months before their rights expire, and also informs them through websites, newspapers, posters, etc. However, it is said that 80% of the notices do not arrive due to reasons such as not notifying the change of address.

On the other hand, deposits at private financial institutions become “dormant deposits” if they have not been withdrawn or withdrawn for more than 10 years, but they are designed to be refunded if the depositor makes a request.

Lawyer Eiji Suzuki, a former bank employee, points out, “People who have rights should be reimbursed and bailed out. The law should be changed, or the interpretation of the law should be changed, such as by expanding exceptions.”

Keiko Hamada (Journalist) “I was surprised when I saw it in yesterday’s newspaper. I think there is

Toru Tamagawa (TV Asahi employee) “This is strange, isn’t it? A bank’s job is to make a profit by managing the money you have deposited with them. I can’t accept this.”

Hatori: I think we need to change the rules so that people who have made a claim will be refunded.


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