They arrested a “jubichorro”: he is 83 years old and robbed a real estate agency with an armed hand

2023-04-26 02:53:00

Agents of the Buenos Aires Police in the town of Lomas de zamora arrested in the last hours of this Tuesday, April 25, a 83-year-old man accused of armed robbery of a real estate agency. According to preliminary investigations, it is not the first time that the subject has engaged in this type of maneuver: in fact, he presented a large number of criminal record for the same offense.

Police sources informed the news agency THAT that personnel aboard patrols that traveled through the commercial and banking area of ​​that district were alerted at the corner of España and Gorriti streets by the employee of a well-known real estate agency, who reported that minutes before they had been robbed.

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The man said that an older man had shown up and, given his advanced age, opened the door of the shop for him.

However, to his surprise, the subject He pulled out a firearm and immediately another accomplice entered.

Both criminals took a bag with money and personal effects from them and then escaped.

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The “jubichorro” had a criminal record for multiple robberies

The uniformed officers toured the area and after a few blocks managed to apprehend the elderly thief, identified as Roberto Vázquez, and in his possession a 38-caliber revolver and the stolen belongings were seized from the real estate agencywhile the accomplice managed to escape and was intensively sought by the Police.

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The officers were not only surprised by the defendant’s age, but their surprise was even greater when it was certified that he had a large number of criminal record for theft against persons and property.

The Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) number 5 of the Lomas de Zamora Judicial Department intervenes in the case.


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