Eleven minutes of activity a day is already enough to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

2023-04-18 09:01:15

  • 75 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week would be enough to reduce the risk of premature death by 23%.

According to a new large-scale study, practicing moderate physical activity, only eleven minutes a day, would reduce by a quarter the risk of premature death due in particular to cardiovascular pathologies and cancer.

Movement is health. If all the studies prove it, taking the plunge and having regular physical activity can be experienced for some as a real chore or a waste of time. However, you don’t need to run a marathon or spend two hours at the gym or the pool every day to start experiencing the benefits of physical activity. Indeed, a recent American study conducted by researchers from the Medical Research Council (MRC) of the University of Cambridge, will perhaps convince the most reluctant among us to get started… This meta-analysis on a large scale, looked at 196 articles from 94 large cohort studies covering more than 30 million participants. It is the largest analysis to date that has focused on the association between physical activity levels and the risk of heart disease, cancer and premature death. Its results bring very good news.

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Indeed, while the researchers found that two out of three people report activity levels of less than 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity (the amount recommended by the World Health Organization), they also noticed that a shorter duration of activity might still be significantly beneficial to our health. So, the practice of only 75 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, i.e. half the recommended time, would already be enough to reduce the risk of premature death in general by 23%, the risk of cardiovascular disease by 17% and by 7% cancer risks, especially. In addition, for some specific cancers, the risk reduction would be greater: head and neck cancers, myeloid leukemia, myeloma and cardiac gastric cancer had a reduced risk of 14 to 26%. For other cancers, such as lung, liver, endometrial, colon and breast cancer, the reduction is between 3-11%

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So a little more than 10 minutes of moderate activity a day can already make a real difference, especially since, as Dr Leandro Garcia of Queen’s University in Belfast reminds us. ” It doesn’t just involve what we normally think of as exercise, such as sports or running. Doing activities that you enjoy, such as dancing, and that are easy to include in your weekly routine, is a great way to become more active. Incorporating brisk walking into our daily lives and/or adopting a few simple habits (taking the stairs, parking further away in the parking lot, etc.) are also good ways to reach the minimum objective set by the researchers. And this time, no more excuses!

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Bibliographic references

Under no circumstances is the information and advice offered on the Alternative Santé site likely to replace a consultation or a diagnosis formulated by a doctor or a health professional, who are the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.

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