Warsaw trams want to attract young employees. special programme

2023-04-24 12:26:00

Mateusz Pawlak
24-04-2023, last update 24-04-2023 14:26

Now pupils and schoolgirls, in the future tram drivers and tramwomen. Tramwaje Warszawskie has opened a workshop for tram classes in Warsaw secondary schools.

source: Bloomberg

In the new didactic workshop at the Warsaw Tram depot in Wola, young people learn in practice what the work of engineers, electricians, mechatronics, mechanics, automation and IT specialists is all regarding. It is a room filled with modern teaching aids that present technical solutions for trams and tram infrastructure.

– The project implemented by Tramwaje Warszawskie allows young people to get to know the specifics of a given profession in practice, and in the future to make a more conscious choice of a professional career and to adapt faster to the needs of the labor market. I am all the more pleased that one of the largest transport companies is offering apprenticeships prepared for students of municipal technical and industry schools – emphasizes Renata Kaznowska, Deputy Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw. of Warsaw. – Importantly, Tramwaje Warszawskie is also a reliable employer that dynamically develops infrastructure throughout the city – he adds.

Knowledge and practice in the workshop

The training workshop has been equipped with devices for assembling electrical and electronic systems. There are tools, power supplies and parts that allow you to practice mechatronics. There is also an opportunity to learn regarding the elements of the tram traction network, its construction and operation.

The opening of the didactic studio is another step to strengthen the cooperation of Tramwaje Warszawskie with Warsaw schools educating in the profession. Students at school learn theoretical knowledge, and in the workplace they have the opportunity to acquire practical professional competence.

Patronage classes and specialized staff

Tramwaje Warszawskie has been cooperating with two Warsaw schools for five years: Ignacy Paderewski and the School Complex. Eng. S. Wysocki. In 2018, special classes under the patronage of Warsaw Trams were created in these schools, with 223 students. This school year, 62 students from 4 classes covered by the company’s patronage participate in the classes. Each month, students take 80 hours of classes in the field of mechatronics and rolling stock.

The instructors are employees of Tramwaje Warszawskie. There are 7 engineers – high-class specialists in their fields, additionally with teaching qualifications.

Work for the young

In 2022, Tramwaje Warszawskie accepted 58 apprentices from secondary vocational schools and organized 4 paid summer internships. The company has prepared 10 places for students of 1st degree vocational schools from each year, and ultimately it will employ a total of 30 juvenile employees for vocational training. The first four have been in Tramwaje Warszawskie since September last year – Szymon, Sebastian, Kuba and Bartosz – decided to start learning their profession in a tram repair plant.

About trams in numbers

Tramwaje Warszawskie employs 3,644 employees. As many as 1,428 people from Tramwaje Warszawskie are tram drivers and drivers. Another 1,189 people are technical support staff who are responsible for servicing vehicles and maintaining tracks and overhead lines – it is mainly for this professional group that we have created an educational program. New employees are needed. Trams are the second most popular means of transport in the capital. Almost a third of passengers use them. In 2022, Warsaw Trams carried 247 million passengers.


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