“Sudan Conflict: Calls for Ceasefire and International Coordination as Chaos Continues”

2023-04-25 07:41:57

« On the tenth day of clashes between army and paramilitary forces which left more than 400 dead and nearly 4,000 injured, the country is sinking more and more into chaos. », notes Release.

Calls for a ceasefire follow one another. The latest comes from the United States. The belligerents say they are ready to respect it. But we are still waiting for the silence of the arms.

So how do we get out of this conflict? asks the newspaper. It might be long, very long…

In effect, “ the two warlords at the head of powerful military forces are engaged in an existential combat which they are determined to continue, pointe Release. General al-Burhane says he wants to continue until the defeat of General Hemedti’s FSR, while the latter claim to want to fight until they completely control the army. The confrontation might therefore last for months or even years, according to some experts. Nevertheless, picks up the newspaper, external pressure might lead the belligerents to suspend clashes to negotiate. Especially since Sudan needs Western countries to lift the sanctions affecting its economy and obtain financial aid from international institutions. »

“Very changing” situation

International coordination, advanced Release, with regional forces that have influence on one or other of the parties, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia in particular, might weigh on the two military leaders. This is the meaning of the coordination mechanism set up under the aegis of the African Union, the Arab League, the European Union and the United Nations, to which France has declared its full support. But the means of pressure to be heard by the belligerents are lacking, notes once more Freed. « The situation is still very fluid, estimates the Egyptian analyst Mahmoud Salem. ‘The evolution towards an existential war between the two armed arms of Sudan might lead to unimaginable suffering and an escalation of the conflict would make the war in Syria seem like a walk in the park’. In any caseconcludes Liberation, the chances of relaunching a process of transition and dialogue for the restoration of civil and democratic power in Sudan seem very remote. Much to the chagrin of the majority of Sudanese. »

Gold and oil…

« Sudanese under fire », sighs for his part West France. The daily newspaper of the great west is not very optimistic either… “ While a respite has settled in Yemen, following the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement, a new major conflict is emerging in Sudan, the third African country by its extension. Threatening to rekindle a new humanitarian drama in Darfur. The motives of foreign lusts are known, western tip of France. Besides oil and strategic positioning, Sudan has become the second largest gold producing country on the continent. And all this wealth is essentially captured by foreign actors and the security forces. Not by the Sudanese, exhausted by their own country which has experienced seventeen coups since its independence in 1956. »

India in “democratic regression”

We stay in the international arena with this editorial from Monde on the political situation in India…” India’s democratic regression “, notes the daily newspaper of the evening. “ Classified among the ‘electoral autocracies’ by the independent Swedish institute V-Dem specialized in the study of political regimes, India is multiplying the worrying signals “says The world. Rahul Gandhi, the main opponent of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has been excluded from the electoral race, because of his conviction for defamation. ” Political opponents are not the only ones concerned. Intellectuals, journalists, non-governmental organizations, activists are the targets of government agencies. (…) This authoritarian drift is reinforced by a worrying offensive launched once morest the country’s history and by the desire to redefine India as a purely Hindu nation. »

In short, conclude The world« temptation to bring the media to heel, harassment of opponents and minorities, instrumentalization of justice, revisionism: Narendra Modi’s record speaks for itself. This is all the more regrettable as the countries which claim to defend democratic values ​​prefer to remain silent, so as not to upset a regime which is asserting itself in the new global geopolitical order. »

#French #press #review #Headlines #ten #days #fighting #Sudan



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