“The Silent Health Crisis: Understanding and Preventing Osteoporosis in the Elderly”

2023-04-24 10:26:00

Text / Photography by Jiang Deyi / No. 26 Shadow Lane

Editor’s Note: Osteoporosis is one of the common health problems of the post-50s group. Fragile bone often makes the elderly unable to withstand falls and fractures easily, but it is often ignored due to the lack of obvious symptoms. Osteoporosis specialist Tang Yunhua pointed out that bone density will be lost with endocrine changes such as age and menopause, but it can also be reversed through adjustments to diet, exercise, and living habits. Who are the high-risk groups for osteoporosis? And how to prevent and save the bones in advance?

According to research, the bone density of the human body reaches its peak around the age of 20 to 30, and then gradually decreases with age.

If the bones become weak due to excessive bone loss, often due to a fall or sudden force such as bending or carrying objects, fractures may occur.

Osteoporosis is also a “silent disease”, because there are few obvious symptoms, it is a health crisis that is relatively easy to be ignoredMany middle-aged and elderly people often realize that they have bone fragility problems following serious symptoms such as fractures and fractures occur.

Aging and endocrine disorders are the causes of osteoporosis

Why should we pay more attention to bone health? Tang Yunhua, a family physician at Xiyuan Hospital who specializes in anti-aging medicine and is also a specialist in osteoporosis, said that most people may think that the role of bones is only to support the body, but in fact it also has many important functions. “Bones can protect internal organs, coordinate the operation of muscles and ligaments, and bone marrow is responsible for hematopoiesis; at the same time, bones are also one of the endocrine organs of the human body.”

The cause of osteoporosis is actually closely related to endocrine.

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