They are tried for killing a young man to defend his sister, a victim of gender violence

2023-04-25 03:30:00

“I was terrified of him all the time.. Julio always hit me, out of the blue, and I didn’t know who to tell. He had to hide me, sometimes for a week, so they wouldn’t see my marks. I never wanted to tell my brothers. And now, seeing them like this… I feel very guilty.My soul breaks.”

The one speaking is MN (33 years old) and Like many women who go through cycles of gender violence, she feels guilty, but she is a victim. Julio was his ex-partner, and his brothers are accused of murdering him. One of them admits to having been the authorand his defender argues that He did it to save the woman’s life. so he must be acquitted.

The trial began this Monday before the court made up of Lucas Yancarelli, Mauricio Zabala and Luis Giorgetti. The accusation is in charge of the prosecutor of the Andrés Azar case, the legal assistant Pablo Jávega, and the private complainant Elio García. The private defender is Sebastián Perazzoli.

all maleto judge a fact where the application of the gender perspective will be decisive.

The defendants are César Nahuelquén (35) and Alan Lucas Román Alveal (21), both with house arrest. The victim was Julio Alfonso González Poo, 19 years old.

What does the prosecution say?

According to the indictment, on April 1 of last year González Poo hit MN, who had repeatedly told him that he did not want to continue the relationship that had begun months before. Both were neighbors in Toma Norte.

The beating was tremendous, and it also hurt a 4-year-old daughter of the woman. There was (other) complaint at police station 18.

At 1 a.m. on April 2, González Poo ran into the victim’s brothers, César and Román. They exchanged insults, there was a bullfight, and the young man received “13 puncture injuries”described the prosecutor Azar.

Most of the wounds were defensive except one that affected him the femoral artery and caused his death.

victim and witness

The central testimony of the first hearing was that of the victim of gender violence. She made an enormous effort to overcome the pain, they asked her for details that she might not provide. -“I am very ashamed to tell what I experienced, I do not wish it on anyone”- and exhibited photos of his body marked by the blows.

MN has 8 siblings, seven of them boys, and a mother who they were his containment all his life. He lost his father when he was a baby. She is the mother of a 15-year-old teenager, a 12-year-old pre-adolescent, the product of a relationship, and a 5-year-old girl with another father. She with González Poo she had no children.

He began his relationship with the now deceased «and following a while I told him that I wanted to finishbut he didn’t accept it.”

“All the time, out of nowhere, he would hit me.. I didn’t understand why. I was terribly afraid of this person,” she added.

“I apologize to my brothers”

“I have many brothers who take care of me, because I don’t have a dad, but I didn’t want to tell them anything,” he said.

From the witness chair, she looked up at the place where César and Román were sitting next to their defense attorney, guarded by two police officers, and she cried: “I feel bad seeing them like this, I feel guilty, I want to apologize”.

In a hearing held last year, addressing another court, César Nahuelquén stated: “All this might have been avoided, but you did nothing” (…) «I am not demanding that they give me freedom, but don’t be so harsh with me. I did it because he (González Poo) said that he was going to kill my sister. He dragged her down the street, hit a 4-year-old girl. Justice should have acted earlier and All of this might have been avoided.”

abandoned by the state

Indeed, the victim-witness reported this Monday that his police complaints and before the Family Court were of no use to him. The psychological assistance she receives is due to the support of the feminist collective La Revueltasince the State left her to her fate.

«I had my children, my job, which I took care of a lot, my little house, All I wanted was to live in peace. After this I lost everything I kept what I was wearingI am paying for things that I do not have, like the refrigerator, “he said.

The lawyer Perazzoli pointed out that his house was ransacked following the murder of González Poo.

gender perspective

Prosecutor Andrés Azar said in his opening statement that the reasons that led the defendants to commit the murder “will be taken into account as mitigating factors”, but “We must not use gender violence as a shield to achieve impunity”.

The plaintiff Elio García spoke in similar terms: he said that there is a lack of the element of immediacy to justify the legitimate defense of third parties. It is because the homicide occurred several hours following González Poo’s beating the sister of the defendants.

Defender Perazzoli pointed out, on the contrary, that «The victim of gender violence is always in danger. Immediacy must be analyzed in another way. MN’s life was in danger always, not only that day. He had filed complaints and had not had any type of accompaniment or state assistance. González Poo knew in which addresses she took refuge from her, and he would look for her to intimidate or hit her ».

The oral trial will continue all week.

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