Reducing or stopping antipsychotics in schizophrenia, pure madness?

2023-04-24 15:32:17

A very gradual reduction (or even discontinuation) of antipsychotics brings significant benefits and may therefore represent a relevant strategy for some patients, thus meeting their frequent and rarely satisfied demand. Free access article.

Despite the indisputable efficacy of antipsychotic treatments in the acute phases of psychosis, nearly 60% of patients stop their treatments within 6 months of hospitalization. Other patients insist that their psychiatrist reduce their treatment. A request to which we are often reluctant because we are used to hospitalizing patients who have relapsed following stopping treatment. However, deprescribing antipsychotics (i.e the reduction being able to go until the stop) might be a relevant therapeutic strategy at certain patients. We want to review the reasons that can make us hesitate to propose it and raise awareness in our community of the cognitive biases that the experiences of relapse of the patients we follow are able to generate (…)

Open access article: Reducing or stopping antipsychotics in schizophrenia, pure madness? Psychiatric Information, Volume 99, Number 4, April 2023

#Reducing #stopping #antipsychotics #schizophrenia #pure #madness

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