“Phosphorus Deficiency: Symptoms, Prevention, and Natural Sources for a Healthier You”

2023-04-24 06:00:00

Are you plagued by cramps? Are you losing your hair? Forget the simplest things? Then check your phosphorus balance. Maybe that’s why.

A phosphorus deficiency can have various effects, such as cramps and intestinal problems. – Pexels

the essentials in brief

  • Hair loss, memory loss, intestinal problems: these are signs of a phosphorus deficiency.
  • Those who consume a lot of alcohol or suffer from kidney failure are particularly at risk.
  • A balanced diet is the best medicine – and prevention!

Our body needs phosphorus so that we can enjoy breakfast, get up and move at all. Together with calcium, it makes our bones strong, teeth strong, increases endurance, fights fatigue and ensures a regular heartbeat.

Reason enough, then, to be interested in an adequate supply of phosphorus.

Hair loss, memory loss, bowel problems

When your body is deficient in phosphorus, all the things you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy happen to you. The more harmless symptoms are: hair falls out, you forget the simplest things, your intestines don’t want to and it’s difficult to swallow.

People who consume a lot of alcohol or are artificially fed are particularly at risk. Taking certain medications for the stomach can also serve as a cause of phosphorus deficiency.

A healthy diet can prevent phosphorus deficiency. – Pexels

If you observe the symptoms mentioned, it is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out deficiency symptoms.

The good news is that if there really is a phosphorus deficiency, it can be easily treated.

Prevent phosphorus deficiency in time

Diet plays a crucial role here. Legumes, mushrooms, nuts, yeast, bran and cheese are particularly valuable sources of phosphorus.

If you integrate these foods into your diet, then nothing stands in the way of your adequate supply of this elementary mineral.

Because: phosphates as a special phosphorus compound, consisting of phosphorus and oxygen, are easily accessible to humans in plant and animal food.

Avoid artificial phosphates in the diet

But be careful: the food should contain natural phosphates and not those that have been artificially added by the food industry.

Artificial phosphates are often added by food producers to their products to affect their shelf life. They also change the consistency. Terms such as antioxidants, leavening agents, acidity regulators and preservatives often contain phosphates.

Not only happy, but sometimes also dangerous: Gummy bears contain relatively high doses of phosphates as an additive. – Unsplash

However, they pose a challenge, especially for people with kidney problems, since the kidney is the most important organ for phosphate regulation in the body.

Unlike natural phosphates in nuts, for example, the artificial phosphates are completely absorbed into the bloodstream and can thus lead to an overdose.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned, muscle weakness, deformed bones, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks or strokes and even sudden cardiac death can result.

Artificial phosphates are found in most fast food and ready meals, but also in soft drinks and processed cheese, as well as in many sausages and canned fish. Brightly colored foods and sweets such as gummy bears also contain relatively high doses of phosphate.

#recognize #phosphorus #deficiency



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