2023-04-24 02:50:58

A lasting solution to drought in the Deep South. This is the reason for the Efaho pipeline whose construction kicked off on Saturday in Ambovombe.

Drinking water for four hundred and sixty thousand people. This is one of the objectives of the construction of the Efaho pipeline. The challenge of this project is simple. Be a lasting solution to the difficulty of access to water in localities affected by drought in the districts of Taolagnaro, Amboasary Atsimo and Ambovombe. The starting signal for the construction of the Efaho pipeline was given on Saturday, in Ambovombe, by Andry Rajoelina, President of the Republic. From end to end, the pipeline covers a distance of 97 kilometers, starting from Esalo, a locality where the Efaho river is located from where the water will be pumped, to Ambovombe. The project is financed by the State’s own funds to the tune of 322,560,600,000 Ariary. The construction period is set at 330 days. It is led by the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Formula applied for a few years in order to quickly complete a construction site, in parallel with those in Ambovombe, work is also starting in Esalo. The two ends of the pipeline will then come together. It will, moreover, consist of two lines of water conduction. One for drinking water and the other for water intended for agriculture and livestock. Two for the price of one, the Efaho project should also be a solution to the food insecurity raging in the Deep South. A distressing humanitarian situation of which the drought is the main reason. Access to drinking water, boosting agriculture and livestock to improve the social and economic conditions of the beneficiaries are thus the goals of the construction of the Efaho pipeline. There is also the strengthening of resilience in the face of climate change, learning to protect water resources and to use them sparingly. As indicated in attack, four hundred and sixty thousand people should benefit from it. These are the inhabitants of sixty localities in the three aforementioned districts. Water channeled from the Efaho River is also expected to irrigate 80,000 hectares of agricultural land in the plains of Sampona, Maroalopoty and Maroalomainty. The technical sheet of the project thus indicates that 12,600 m³ of water per day will be captured and transported by the pipeline. “Which is 1.21% of the daily flow of the Efaho River in the dry season, estimated at 1,036,800 m³”. A response, probably, to the apprehensions of the residents of the Efaho who fear a shortage of water because of the construction of this project.

A political challenge

The construction of the Efaho pipeline was officially recorded at the end of the regional conference for the emergence of the Great South, in June 2021. A meeting which was held in Taolagnaro, capital of the Anosy region. This is one of the major projects whose realization has been the subject of a solemn commitment on the part of the President of the Republic. This, in the same way as the rehabilitation of National Road number 13 (RN13), in particular. A point recalled by MP Andriasy Philobert Milavonjy, elected in Ambovombe. “Access to water has been a problem since the days of our ancestors. Several regimes, even your predecessor whom I supported, pledged to solve it, but in vain. There have been stillborn projects. When you took on the challenge of bringing water from Efaho to Ambovombe, I was apprehensive. I then told you that, if you materialize this project, I would offer you the vote of Ambovombe. Also, complete it and your name will forever be engraved in the history of Androy”, are the words of MP Milavonjy. The words of MP Milavonjy echo those of the representatives of traditional authorities who also spoke on Saturday. The launch ceremony for the construction of the Efaho pipeline on Saturday also saw the presence of a strong government delegation led by Christian Ntsay, Prime Minister, and an armada of parliamentarians as well. A massive participation of political authorities to underline the weight of the project for the Rajoelina administration, all the more so in this election year. “I am here to demonstrate that I respect and fulfill my commitments. Also, I am here to kick off the construction of this major project. A project that will mark history. The construction of this pipeline will change the history of Ambovombe and Madagascar”, declares Andry Rajoelina, during the launching ceremony of the works, late Saturday morning, taking the measure of the multidimensional scope of the project. Issues that he reaffirmed at the Ambovombe stadium in the followingnoon. To hear him, the President of the Republic is aware that the inhabitants of the Deep South expect him to realize his Velirano, major projects in particular. On his journey from Taolagnaro to Ambovombe, he stopped to see the progress of work on the RN13. In Ambovombe, Andry Rajoelina thus underlined that he does not intend to deviate from his “Velirano”, and will meet soon for inaugurations for the end of works and the launch of new projects.




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