Labor Day: Red rhetoric, brass band music and torchlight processions

2023-04-24 03:14:00

Long-serving officials of the Social Democrats will probably see the May Day celebrations this year with mixed feelings: On the one hand, thousands of new members have joined the party in the past few weeks, on the other hand, the Social Democrats are largely preoccupied with themselves. Maybe the red holiday comes in handy as a distraction.

Although in those days Federal Chancellor Werner Faymann had to learn painfully that the comrades at the grass roots did not hold back with displeasure – red holiday or not.

Children’s friends and ice cream

In any case, the traditional Steyr May rally of the SPÖ this year has the motto “Solidarity into the future”. SPÖ regional chairman, regional councilor Michael Lindner, gives the political presentation on the forecourt of the Museum Arbeitswelt (MAW). The theme initiative entitled “Full commitment to Upper Austria” will be part of the speech.

Labor Day: Red rhetoric, brass band music and torchlight processions

With marching music and waving flags on the way to the MAW
Image: fotoilse

SPÖ District Chairwoman City Councilor Katrin Auer: “SPÖ state politics and we in Steyr want to promote a sustainable and fair energy transition and reconcile secure jobs in industry with climate protection goals.” The title “Solidarity in the future” emphasizes that social security is an essential part of all the challenges. “In addition, this year’s May celebrations will offer an expanded range for families with children. The children’s friends will offer a program for young guests. There will also be ice cream from Buburuza. I cordially invite you to celebrate Labor Day.”

The May celebration in Steyr starts at 10 a.m. The location of the rally is the forecourt of the Working World Museum. In the event of bad weather, the event will take place in the museum. Already from 9.45 a.m. SPÖ groups and red union members with red flags are moving to the venue. Among others, the singer Melanie Hirner will be there, she intones “Die Internationale” with the guests at the end of the rally. In the days before, the districts of Steyr get in the mood for May 1st with their own program:

Friday, April 28, Steyr-Gleink: 6 p.m. beginning of the May pre-celebration, street festival in front of the shoe store “Treffpunkt Schuh”, 7.30 p.m. torchlight procession

Sunday, April 30: Ennsleite (Playground Otto-Glöckel-Strasse): 7 p.m. maypole erected, 8.30 p.m. torchlight procession Münichholz (Sebek-Strasse): street festival from 4 p.m

Tabor (JUKUZ, Industriestraße): from 4 p.m. beginning of the May pre-party, 6.30 p.m. concert at the Tabor old people’s and nursing home.

There is also a lot going on around Steyr around Labor Day: Pre-May celebrations on April 30th take place in Dietach, Weyer, Ternberg, Sierning, Pfarrkirchen and Bad Hall, among others.


Martin Dunst

Local editor Steyr

Martin Dunst

Martin Dunst


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#Labor #Day #Red #rhetoric #brass #band #music #torchlight #processions



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