“International Forum of Intermediation, Digital and Innovation (FONI 2023): Exploring the Evolution of Finance and Technology in Africa”

2023-04-23 11:14:32

Blaise Ahouantchédé, President & CEO of AFRIK CREANCES HOLDING, returns in this interview published in issue 99 of Financial Afrik dedicated to electronic banking, mobile banking and cyber-security, on the challenges of the second edition of the International Forum of Intermediation, Digital and Innovation (FONI 2023) which takes place in Lomé from May 2 to 5.

Can you come back to the stakes of the event?

I thank you for this opportunity that you offer me to speak regarding this important event in the African financial landscape. Indeed, the FONI will hold its 2nd edition from May 2 to 5, 2023 in Lomé, Togo with some innovations, in particular the day of May 2 dedicated to communication on innovation & Open Banking, May 3 devoted to some fintechs to present around a digital café, their solutions to participants as well as their contribution to the banking and financial industry, and finally on May 4 and 5, the forum itself over 2 days.

The FONI 2023, which benefits from the support at the highest level of the Togolese authorities, is positioned as a platform for in-depth exchanges on subjects that combine “finance and technology”. Thus, this edition will focus more particularly on the evolution of intermediation and technologies in the dynamics of financial inclusion with the development of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, Big data, telephony mobile, the Internet, with a particular focus on the issues of personal data management and cybersecurity.

It is a real crossroads for sharing experiences and knowledge, which will bring together regulators, players from the banking, financial, insurance and telecommunications sectors, as well as the various corporations from the economic and social world.

This second edition is held in Lomé as was the case for the first. So why Lome?

You know that Lomé is a dynamic financial center which concentrates a large number of regional financial institutions. This is what justified the choice to put the regional headquarters of AFRIK CREANCES, main sponsor of FONI 2023, in Lomé in Togo which also has another asset apart from being a financial hub, Lomé is a hub air thus facilitating the connection between the African countries but also towards the other continents.

The world of payment is experiencing great innovations with cryptology and artificial intelligence. What are the implications of these new technologies in this sector?

Yes, you are absolutely right, we are witnessing profound changes worldwide in the banking and financial industry with the development of technologies that lead to disruptive innovations, both financial and technological. The impact of technology on the development and growth of businesses, I would even say States, is indisputable. All the statistics show it. Of course, in an increasingly interdependent and globalized world where everything is connected and facilitating exchanges instantly through big data, security and performance issues lead us to take an interest in cryptology, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, which are tools that improve the service offer and customer relationship management in a highly competitive banking and financial sector. Thus, the path to purchase also happens to be impacted with the development of instant payment and mobile payment.

Africa has several payment zones. When will A full integration of electronic and digital payments be made?

(Smiles): Am I answering you as a former CEO of GIM-UEMOA or with my new cap?
More seriously, this is a subject that always preoccupied me when I was at the head of GIM-UEMOA. It is difficult for me to understand how successful economic integration can be envisaged without monetary integration, from which the integration of payment systems naturally follows. I am convinced that we will eventually get there, especially with the advent of the African Continental Free Trade Area commonly known as the ZLECAf.

To tell you a secret, I think regarding it all the time and work on it with my Friends from the various Central Banks. It is fundamental, the integration of payment systems which represents a great challenge to be taken up in the coming years by the authorities in charge of these subjects in order to achieve complete integration. Moreover, during the next edition of the FONI, we have proposed a theme on interoperability at a time of technological innovations, especially at a time when all States are embarking on the development of the digital economy with the deployment of e -public or private services.

Cybersecurity has become a major issue. How should actors deal with these risks?

Your question is very interesting. As processes are increasingly dematerialized and digitized with a preponderant offer of digital financial services, the issue of risk management and data protection is indeed becoming a major issue. This is why, during FONI 2023, we are going to devote entire panels to these subjects so that there are exchanges and sharing of experiences with high-level speakers. With your permission, I suggest that you give them the first opportunity to gratify us with their rich experience in cybersecurity.

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