How to be technological and help the environment?

2023-04-22 11:06:00

Practical solutions to take action to care for the environment and reduce the impact of technological products.

Educating people regarding caring for the environment is a necessity. On this Saturday, April 22, the Earth daywhich has been celebrated since 1970, this need has a sense of urgency.

And it is that fifty years following the declaration of this commemoration, it is evident that humans have failed in the mission of educating regarding the environment. Man has not been able to understand that he is indebted to his house, the Earth. And, in a changing world, the impacts generated by society are increasingly noticeable.

Obviously, with the rise of technologies and the adoption of these in an almost vital way for some people, this need is not alien to the technology industries, since our technological consumption is increasing. For example, according to Digital 2023 Global Overview Report, 68% of the world’s population uses a mobile phone today.

According to information from the UN Habitat -United Nations Program for Human Settlements-, in 1970, when there were no mass-produced mobile phones, the need that we have today, with technological waste, was not envisioned.

This is why a great challenge for the technology sector is the management of its waste, which is produced by the massive consumption of computers, mobile phones, televisions, tablets and other devices.

Because of this, consumers are becoming more aware. According to the consulting firm First Insight, 62% of millennial and Gen Z consumers prefer products and stores with sustainable practices.

How to take care of the planet when using technology?

To guarantee an ecological consumption of technology, customers are increasingly informed regarding the practices of companies and even read the labels of products that have ecological packaging in detail.

Today, there are seals on the market such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, which indicates that the product has been produced using material from responsible sources, which guarantees that a sustainable product is being purchased. .

For this reason, sustainability plays a crucial role in today’s companies. More and more technology companies are joining the cause of solving this problem.

Sustainability in technological products is measured by these indicators:

  • Eco-friendly devices.
  • Creative reuse of packaging.
  • Controls that avoid wasting batteries.
  • Energy efficiency.

And beyond these indicators, people must become aware of their relationship with nature, its biodiversity and, even more important, how our actions contribute to their well-being, care and protection.

The idea of ​​driving a significant change in the environment should be shared by people of all ages. Putting sustainability at the center of everything we do is a key to caring for the planet when using technology.

Finally, an example in the market are devices and household appliances that offer interconnectivity and Artificial Intelligence (AI) because they make it easier to acquire sustainable habits for the planet. In addition, many of them save energy and water, reduce food waste and can be recycled, among other benefits.

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