ARREST OF TUNISIAN OPPONENT GHANNOUCHI A dotted fate for a particular night of fate

2023-04-20 20:08:47

The former speaker of the Tunisian Parliament, Rached Ghannouchi, boss of the Islamist party Ennahdha, was arrested on April 17, 2023, and his house searched. As of this writing, the charges against him were not yet known. But we know that the octogenarian politician was, for several months, in the crosshairs of the Tunisian Justice since he had been summoned several times by this institution which suspects him of being involved in cases of terrorism, money laundering of money or attempts to destabilize the Kaïs Saïed regime. While waiting for these suspicions to be confirmed or invalidated, we can, without risk of being mistaken, say that the steamroller of Robocop, which has started, is not about to stop. This is all the more true since since his accession to power, the man has imprisoned all those who dare to lift a finger to criticize his governance. They are either thrown in prison or threatened with legal proceedings. That said, the arrest of the leader of Ennahdha raises questions, especially since it occurred in the middle of the fasting month of Ramadan, more particularly during the most sacred night for the Muslim faithful, that is to say the night of fate. What fate will we reserve for this opponent who has become one of the scratching hairs of President Kaïs Saïed, since the dissolution of the National Assembly in 2021? A destiny well dotted for a particular night of destiny, one could therefore exclaim! It’s true that we can’t absolve him of any sin, but everything suggests that Ghannouchi is paying for his committed positions. Like what, who wants to imprison his opponent accuses him of terrorism.

The current socio-political context in Tunisia does not militate in favor of muzzling opponents

And on the continent, the examples are legion. From Benin to Rwanda via Gabon, opponents have been purely and simply thrown into the jolt for specious reasons of terrorism while the real terrorists strut about unmolested. This way of doing things kills not only democracy, but also the hopes of the people who aspire to virtuous governance. Rather than spending time stifling dissonant voices, Kaïd Saïed would benefit from taking care of his governance in order to pull Tunisian democracy upwards. The dictatorship it has adopted as a mode of governance risks leading to its downfall. Because, as popular wisdom says, “it is not by breaking the thermometer that we lower the fever”. Still, the current socio-political context in Tunisia does not militate in favor of muzzling opponents. But obsessed with his desire to clear the way, Kaïs Saïed continues to hunt down his opponents. As proof, from February to the present day, around twenty of them have been arrested. And everything suggests that the man is not ready to stop his repressive machine. It is a real screed of lead that falls on the opponents and other defenders of human rights in Tunisia. Does Kaïs Saïed want to entertain the populations taken by the throat by unprecedented economic difficulties? Arresting an opponent of Ghannouchi’s caliber, three months before the legislative elections, looks like a political cabal. However, Ennahdha must also do its self-criticism on its political course, because one cannot dip his goatee in all the soups and want to come out unscathed.


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#ARREST #TUNISIAN #OPPONENT #GHANNOUCHI #dotted #fate #night #fate

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