“7 Foods to Overcome Chronic Fatigue and Boost Energy Levels”

2023-04-21 17:47:02


When we feel tired during the day, we try to overcome it with stimulant drinks, especially coffee. However, there are healthy foods that help overcome the feeling of chronic fatigue and provide the body with the necessary energy. Here are the most prominent ones in this report:

Many cannot achieve a balance between work and sports, rest and relaxation They feel chronically tired. That is why they resort to drinks that contain stimulants, especially coffee. However, there are foods that dispense with stimuli and provide the body with the energy it needs, according to what was reported by the German “Fit for Fun” website, according to the nutrition expert, Jess Blair, who recommends the following seven foods:

pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin seeds help overcome permanent fatigue, due to the many nutrients they contain, including protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, and minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. All these elements support each other, strengthen the immune system and provide the body with energy.


Avocado is rich in nutrients Especially protein, which provides us with long-term energy, and it also contains healthy fats that make one feel full. Nutritionist Jess Blair says, “Adding avocado to breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three) can help counteract the energy crunch.”

the banana:

Bananas provide the body with potassium And carbohydrates, and therefore with enough energy to feel energetic, according to Blair, who advises not to dispense with bananas due to their richness in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Fatty fish:

salmon and other oily fish Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, these fish “not only provide the body with energy when feeling tired, but also help the body once morest infections that might be a cause of fatigue,” according to Blair, according to Fit4Fun. Eating fish rich in fat helps prevent cardiovascular disease and is also good for the skin.

Nuts and seeds:

Seeds and nuts are rich in protein and healthy fats, so they are a good source of energy. It is good for the skin and the heart and gives the body more energy.

Dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate contains theopurmineIt is a substance that provides the body with energy, according to nutritionist Jess Blair, who says, “Theopurmine provides energy without the subsequent breakdown, as happens following drinking coffee, for example.”


Whether one eats eggs Fried or boiled, it is useful and helps to overcome the feeling of fatigue, and according to Blair, the protein and B vitamins contained in eggs provide “a source of energy throughout the day.”

Now that you know these foods that can provide the body with the necessary energy and help you overcome the feeling of fatigue, will you dispense with drinking coffee, especially in the morning?


Away from coffee.. Five simple tips for permanent activity

Black or green tea

Instead of coffee, black or green tea can make us feel energized, as it also contains caffeine, which gives us a stimulating effect and helps us overcome the sharp decline in performance. By the way, yerba mate has a similar effect as well, which is a drink made from dried tea leaves and is commonly drunk in South American countries.

Away from coffee.. Five simple tips for permanent activity

Reduce room temperature

Many in everyday life may know this: comfortable heat makes our bodies feel tired and promotes fatigue. So make sure you avoid overheating your home or office. The ideal room temperature is between 20 and 23 degrees Celsius. As for the bedroom, it should be a little cooler. It is also important to maintain regular ventilation, as the cool air activates the body and makes one more alert.

Away from coffee.. Five simple tips for permanent activity

Outdoor tour

Lunch of all kinds is similar to the weight of lead in the stomach when the body is busy digesting. Therefore, it is advised not to sit at the office and continue to work immediately following lunch to avoid feeling tired. It is better to take a short walk in the open air immediately following it, as only a few minutes help stimulate blood circulation, purify the mind, and enjoy the body with natural light.

Away from coffee.. Five simple tips for permanent activity

Avoid sugars

When we feel tired, many of us resort to eating sweet snacks, chocolate and fast food. Although sugar does provide energy to the body, unfortunately for a short period of time. Once digested, the body needs to be replenished. That’s why you should focus on healthy snacks like fruit. It provides energy and gives us a good feeling of fullness due to the fibers in it.

Away from coffee.. Five simple tips for permanent activity

Music is a source of happiness

You should always store your favorite songs on your smartphone. And when you feel tired, put on headphones and press “play”. Music stimulates the senses and prompts the body to secrete happiness hormones, which helps us reduce bouts of acute fatigue.

Away from coffee.. Five simple tips for permanent activity

cold water stream

Sebastian Kneipp is the German monk who invented the cold water bath named following him to further stimulate blood circulation and increase the heartbeat. And if you do not find this basin, it is sufficient to place the hands up to the wrists under the stream of cold water for a short period of time in the sink that gives a similar effect.

#overcome #chronic #fatigue. #Foods #give #energy



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