How to beat egg whites easily?

2023-04-22 08:06:18

To whip your eggs stiff and obtain the best results, including a texture that is both frothy and very firm, all you have to do is follow our tips for the day carefully! Let’s start!

Whisked egg whites. Source: spm

To prepare egg whites, the fastest technique is to use an electric mixer! The bloggers The Meringue Girls, use this technique for their matcha green tea recipe!

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You will therefore need an electric whisk, in addition, of course, to the ingredients necessary for the preparation, including eggs, salt and sugar.

Once you have your materials at hand, start by separating the whites from the yolks in two different bowls. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and start beating at low speed until foamy. Add the sugar (depending on the number of eggs and the desired recipe) while continuing to beat. When the level of foam increases, increase the speed of the mixer, and continue until your preparation becomes firmer!

You will know if your egg white is perfect, if you manage to tilt the bowl without your preparation spilling!

How to whip egg whites

How to whip egg whites. Source: spm

How to beat egg whites without a beater? Whisk the egg whites by hand!

The second possibility for making egg whites is the manual version! Using circular movements, air is added to the mixture to inflate it. The steps for this preparation are similar to those of the previous technique, with the difference that we will use a simple whisk, and that we will work with the strength of our hands! A little elbow grease and let’s go!

  • So separate the egg whites from the yolks as always in a large, clean container;
  • Add a pinch of salt and beat on low speed to form a foam;
  • Add the sugar to make the egg whites rise more quickly;
  • Beat more and more vigorously, always with circular movements, until the whites are firm!

Tip: Whip the egg whites in a mixer!

If you don’t have an electric robot and you’re too lazy to beat your eggs manually, you can always use your mixer! Yes yes ! Your blender isn’t just for making smoothies and milkshakesit can also make your egg whites rise!

Admittedly, this is the least efficient technique, as the high speed of the blades can over-whip the egg whites and leave them with a dry, grainy texture. But you just have to know how to do it to prevent this from happening!

Are you afraid of not having the light and fluffy texture you are looking for? Do not be afraid ! Just follow the tips that we are going to list for you below:

A very foamy and firm texture

A very foamy and firm texture. Source: spm

  1. Make sure your egg whites are at room temperature when preparing;
  2. Use a clean, dry blender;
  3. Use a mixer with a plastic container to prevent the egg whites from sticking to the walls;
  4. Start mixing your egg whites slowly to avoid splattering and increase the mixing speed as the mixture thickens;
  5. Use a rubber spatula to scrape down the sides of the mixer bowl;
  6. Don’t beat your egg whites for too long so they don’t get too dry.

Failed beaten egg whites: why aren’t my egg whites rising?

If you can’t get your egg whites to rise, there are several possible reasons! Here are the 3 three big possibilities. Keep them in mind for your next attempt!

  • The amount of eggs: it is recommended to beat three or more egg whites at a time. If your eggs are small or you only have two, it will be more difficult to froth them and make them bulk up.
  • The temperature of the eggs: in fact, egg whites at room temperature will rise faster.
  • The presence of fat: any fat residue in your bowl (including egg yolk) can hinder the process of successful egg whites!

Need even more tricks to beat your egg whites and make your pastries a success? Your wishes are orders, and advice, we have plenty of it! So sit back and read the following:

  • If a little yolk gets into your container of egg whites, you can scoop it out with a spoon! But it is best to prevent this from happening! To do this, break your eggs one by one into a separate bowl. As you separate the yolks from the whites, put the latter in a larger bowl, where they will be beaten.
Separate the egg white from the yolk

Separate the egg white from the yolk well. Source: spm

  • Always start beating at low speed, even when using a robot! If this is the case, a trick is to start beating with a fork, until the egg whites are foaming, and then switch to an electric whisk. Remember that by beating your eggs slowly at first, you help the formation of small air bubbles, which will give your whites more consistency and stability.
  • You probably noted above that you should add a pinch of salt to the egg whites before you start. The fact is that salt helps your preparation to be firm! So never forget this key ingredient! You can also use a pinch of icing sugar instead.
  • Use cream of tartar, up to one teaspoon per cup of egg whites, to stabilize the foam and increase its heat tolerance. Cream of tartar is a white powder from the production of wine! It is odorless and has a slightly salty/sour flavor.

Beat the egg whites: Frequently asked questions

How fast should egg whites be beaten when using a food processor?

The speed at which the whites are beaten should be low at first, then gradually increased as the whites hold.

How long should you beat egg whites by hand?

Ideally, you should make slow circular movements for regarding thirty seconds so that the whites foam. Add to this a few minutes at higher speed, until the desired density is reached.

What is a snow point?

Whipping the egg whites until stiff means giving the egg whites a fluffy yet dense consistency. Snow point egg whites are used to decorate cakes and cookies or to prepare other recipes.

How to add our whipped egg whites to a recipe?

Use a spatula to incorporate your whipped egg whites into the rest of your recipe. The movement must go from bottom to top, in a delicate way, so as not to sag the preparation.

How to catch snow whites?

If a little bit of yolk accidentally mixes into your egg whites and you can’t get it out of your bowl, add a few drops of lemon juice to your preparation to ensure your whites whip up! Being relatively acidic, the lemon juice will cancel out the fat effect of the egg yolk on the whites!

Can white vinegar be useful for whisking egg whites?

Yes, white vinegar can be used first to clean your utensils and remove all the fat that might ruin your recipe! You can also add 2 to 3 drops of white vinegar in your preparation when the mixture becomes foamy. This will help you get firm snow eggs!

How long can cream of tartar be stored?

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The cream of tartar used to whip egg whites has a shelf life of one year.

So much for making a success of your whipped egg whites! If you follow all our advice and tips, there is no longer any reason for you to miss your recipe! And don’t forget to use your leftover egg yolks to prepare other English, Catalan or pastry cream desserts… Hmmm, mouth watering!

Read also: The trick of Asian chefs to prevent rice from sticking to the pan: perfectly cooked separated grains

#beat #egg #whites #easily



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