“Comprehensive Management of Dental Implant Prices: Impact on the Dental Industry and Ways to Cope”

2023-04-21 13:02:21

(Original title: Medical insurance departments in many places carry out comprehensive management of dental implant prices: the price is halved, and the penetration rate of domestic brands is expected to increase)

Securities Times e company news, recently, medical insurance departments in many places have successively issued announcements saying that starting from April 20, the “trinity” comprehensive management measures of dental implant medical service charges, centralized procurement of implants, and dental crown bidding and hanging online will be implemented. . In this regard, an analyst in the pharmaceutical industry of a securities company told reporters that in the general environment of centralized procurement, upstream and downstream enterprises of oral medical care will face the impact of a short-term profit decline. But in the long run, centralized procurement will increase the penetration rate of dental services and achieve rapid growth in the overall dental industry. From the perspective of coping with short-term challenges, it is recommended that upstream companies increase R&D investment and continuously upgrade products. At the same time, oral service institutions should strengthen refined management, increase the proportion of effective income from services, control costs, and improve operational efficiency.

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