“Combat Irritable Bowel Syndrome with These Three Nutritious Smoothies”

2023-04-21 02:29:33

The colon is one of the most important organs of the human body. Its main function is to extract water and other substances from food that is partially digested. When some remains of these elements remain, they become feces, they move through the colon, reach the rectum and exit through the anus, fulfilling their respective process.

When the colon or large intestine is not protected and unhealthy eating habits begin to be maintained, certain diseases attack this organ. The most common are colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Precisely, this last condition, irritable bowel syndrome, “is a problem that affects the large intestine. It can cause abdominal cramping, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Some people with this disorder have constipation, others have diarrhea. Some go from a picture of constipation to one of diarrhea. Even though irritable bowel syndrome can cause a lot of discomfort, it doesn’t damage the intestine,” he explains. Medline Plus, United States National Library of Medicine.

“Irritable bowel syndrome is a common picture. Women suffer from it twice as often as men, and it is more common in people under 45 years of age. The exact cause of this syndrome is not known, nor is there a specific test to diagnose it. Your doctor can run tests to make sure you don’t have other illnesses,” she adds.

For this reason, there are three shakes in particular that help combat irritable bowel syndrome. According to the specialized portal better with healththese are:

1. Aloe vera and kiwi smoothie. “Many people use aloe vera to relieve digestive problems, including irritable bowel. Clinical observations show ambiguous results, although it is believed that it might improve some symptoms. On the other hand, kiwi might improve the condition of those patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome with a predominance of constipation”, he indicates.

  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (20 grams).
  • a kiwi.
  • A glass of water.
  • Heat the glass of water and dilute the aloe vera gel.
  • Once dissolved, add the kiwi and blend everything together.

2. Papaya and chamomile smoothie. “Papaya is one of the most digestive fruits thanks to papain. For this reason we will be able to digest it well and it will relieve us a lot. On the other hand, chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. that calm intestinal spasms, reduces the presence of gases and improves digestion”he says.

  • 3 papaya slices.
  • 1 chamomile tea bag.
  • 1 mint tea bag.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • A glass of water (200 milliliters).

3. Lemon balm and orange smoothie. “Lemon balm modulates the pattern of defecation and visceral sensitivity of the colon, which has been shown to be effective in this disease. Orange is one of the fruits with the lowest fructose content, so it is usually well tolerated by people with irritable bowel syndrome”, he concludes.

  • An orange.
  • A bag of lemon balm infusion.
  • A glass of water (200 milliliters).
  • Heat water to prepare an infusion with the lemon balm.
  • Blend the orange with this infusion to obtain a homogeneous smoothie.

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