Neighbors of Bariloche oppose a subdivision on Cerro Otto and remember the tragedy of Villa Huinid

2023-04-21 03:00:00

The constant presence of a surveyor and an attempt to wire a property on Mendoza street, at regarding 1000 meters high on the north slope of Cerro Ottoalerted a group of neighbors that emphasizes the recent history of the collapse in the Villa Huinid hotel complex that caused the death of three tourists.

«If one day all of that collapses, it will take all these homes.”says Manuel Bustos, one of the complainants, pointing to the hill.

500 meters from the place they denounce today, in November of last year, the police carried out a trespassing in an illegal usurpation made up of twelve houses overlooking the lake, also on the north slope of Cerro Otto, at an altitude of 1,200 meters. The Secretary of the Environment and Urban Development of Bariloche, Claudio Otano, argued that the procedure was carried out on municipal land, in an area of ​​high environmental fragility and above elevation 900. “We ask for a farsighted view so that a disaster does not occur. We already had a bad experience (by Villa Huinid). In this case, with the height, the speed that might cause a landslide would be even more serious,” he pointed out.

On this occasion, the residents of the Melipal neighborhood assure that the measurement is carried out in four lots. However, a 2015 ordinance restricts construction on the north slope of Cerro Otto above elevation 900. A provincial law also determines that sector «as an area of ​​Protected Forests above elevation 900″.

The area is considered a “Protective Forest area”. Photo: Chino Leiva

«Numerous studies and technical background underline the environmental vulnerability of Cerro Otto, pointing out its dangerousness due to the steep slopes and the instability of its slopes«, specifies the municipal norm. It also highlights that the pre-existence of subdivisions on elevation 900 which, added to population growth and real estate speculation, led to a further degradation of the environmental conditions of Cerro Otto.

«We can talk regarding individuals who have bought in good faith, but Here the regulations establish that it cannot be built. We are concerned regarding how the province’s Cadastre and the municipality say yes to a measurement plan in a place where nothing can be done”, questioned Romina Fernández Albor, another resident of the area.

«There is environmental risk, danger of collapse and landslide. What happens with the authorities that allow a new subdivision? There are attempts to advance in this area all the time. Even with the restrictions, it never calmed down. One day one appears; The next day, another one appears,” added Bustos.

The area is considered a “Protective Forest area”. Photo: Chino Leiva

The Forest Inspector, Alfredo Allen, toured the denounced sector last Tuesday and drew up a warning to the surveyor who was in the area. “He insists that there is a subdivision authorized by the Cadastre and by the municipality, but he does not have permission from Bosques to make roads. This area is considered a protective forest. you can’t touch anything“, he raised.

Otano, who had not assumed his current position when the file was processed, confirmed that “there is a particular measurement on four lots, demarcation and demarcation that have been listed in the Cadastre for decades,” although he clarified that “that does not imply any right to build”.

“The owner of those lots wanted to fence them off. Another thing is that they want to build because it is a red zone and nothing can be built, “said Otano.

The area is considered a “Protective Forest area”. Photo: Chino Leiva

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#Neighbors #Bariloche #oppose #subdivision #Cerro #Otto #remember #tragedy #Villa #Huinid



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